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Publications advanced search

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This list contains 798 entry(ies).

IUCN Publication

Biodiversity resource inventory : ecosystem assessment of Bhadaure Tamagi VDC, Kaski

This report provides the findings of biodiversity resource inventory of Bhadaure Tamagi VDC of Kaski district of Western Nepal, with clear mapping of all important ecosystems, including forest, agriculture, wetland and bodies of water.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Identifying potential overlap between extractive industries (mining, oil and gas) and natural World Heritage sites

The UNESCO World Heritage List includes 217 properties recognized for their outstanding natural heritage values.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Managing water and agroecosystems for food security

Water protection, food production, and ecosystem health are worldwide issues, and understanding the links between water, food production and ecosystems is important to the health of all three. This book shows how sustainable ecosystems are essential for water management and food production.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Biodiversity and ecosystem management in the Iraqi marshlands : screening study on potential World Heritage nomination (Arabic version)

<p>This report includes an inventory of data and information on the Iraqi marshland ecosystem; technical guidance on the assessment framework and tools for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation with regard to the requirements for World Heritage nomination; and guidance on the d



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Invasive alien plants and their management in Africa : how a multi-country "War on Weeds" project is helping an infested continent to stem the colonising onslaught of invasive species

This book describes how the four-year GEF-funded project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa” was instrumental in developing ways of limiting the severe ecological, social and economic impacts in different parts of Africa of a number of particularly devastating alien plant i



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction

The aim of this book is to provide an overview of knowledge and practice in this multidisciplinary field of ecosystems management and disaster risk reduction.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Elephants in the dust : the African elephant crisis : a rapid response assessment

The African elephant, the largest remaining land mammal on the planet, is facing the greatest crisis in decades. Reports of mass elephant killings in the media vividly illustrate the situation across many African elephant range states.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Measuring progress : environmental goals and gaps

Despite the impressive number of legal texts and many good intentions, real progress in solving the environmental challenges themselves has been much less comprehensive.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

GEO 5 : Global environment outlook : environment for the future we want

Published to coincide with the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, UNEP's 2012 Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-5) calls on world leaders to take immediate action to address international environmental degradation and turn world-wide discussion of sustainable development into practice.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

Vers un complexe d'aires protégées transfrontalières dans la forêt du Mayombe

Ce rapport présente les résultats de deux études thématiques: d’une part le potentiel écologique pour l'identification des corridors dans la zone APT (Aire Protégée Transfrontalière) du Mayombe et, d’autre part, le potentiel écologique pour la délimitation d’AP (Aires Protégées) au sein même de l



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Atlas of wintering waterbirds of Libya 2005-2010


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Measuring water use in a green economy : a report of the Working Group on Water Efficiency to the International Resource Panel

The report analyses the different ways for quantifying and accounting for water flows and productivity within the economy (including environmental needs).


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Greening the blue helmets : environment, natural resources, and UN peacekeeping operations

This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how peacekeeping operations affect and are affected by natural resources and environmental conditions. The report is divided into two main parts.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Releasing the pressure : water resource efficiencies and gains for ecosystem services

This document discusses the need to balance short-term water productivity gains – in particular in agriculture - with the long-term role that water flows provide for maintaining sustainable landscape ecosystem services (ESS), and serving multiple benefits to human well-being.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

UNEP year book 2012 : emerging issues in our global environment

The 2012 UNEP Year Book spotlights two emerging issues that underline the challenges but also the choices nations need to consider to deliver a sustainable 21st century— urgently improved management of the world’s soils and the decommissioning of nuclear reactors.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Towards a green economy : pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Odontocetes : the toothed whales

The conservation status of the toothed whales has worsened dramatically since 2001. Since then, more species have been listed in the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable and Nearly Threatended, while the Baiji river dolphin, which used to live in the Yangtze River, is now probably extinct.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Climate action : assisting business towards carbon neutrality


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth : a report of the working group on decoupling to the International Resource Panel : report excerpt

This publication is an excerpt of the report, "Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth : a report of the working group on decoupling to the International Resource Panel".


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth : a report of the working group on decoupling to the International Resource Panel

This report provides a solid foundation for the concept of decoupling, clearly defining key terms and providing empirical evidence of escalating resource use. It shows that decoupling is already taking place to some extent, but is lagging far behind its potential.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Environmental assessment of Ogoniland

This report represents the best available understanding as to what has happened to the environment of Ogoniland – and the corresponding implications for affected populations – over many years of oil industry operations.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Fisheries subsidies, sustainable development and the WTO

This comprehensive resource manual explains why and how the reform of fisheries subsidies has become one of the most important international efforts to achieve global, environmental, economic and developmental policy coherence.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

UNEP year book 2011 : emerging issues in our global environment

The Year Book’s overview of events and developments during 2010 shows how cutting edge science reveals new opportunities to mitigate climate change while improving air quality. Stimulated by technological innovation and green investments, renewable energy supply is growing rapidly.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

국경을 초월한 자연보전

This publication aims to further raise awareness about the value of transboundary conservation, highlighting the many benefits transboundary cooperation generates, while not neglecting the challenges and problems parties encounter when they engage in transboundary initiatives.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

An appraisal of mangrove management in micro-tidal estuaries and lagoons in Sri Lanka

This study was inspired by observations and experiences from post-tsunami (2004) mangrove planting and ‘restoration’ work in the country.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

L'évolution de la CITES : ouvrage de référence sur la Convention sur le Commerce International des Espèces de Faune et de Flore sauvages menacées d'extinction

This comprehensive publication presents a history of the evolution of CITES. It begins with the basics and guides the reader through its complex structure. The provisions of the Convention are clearly highlighted in the book, and the numerous resolutions and decisions are explained.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The evolution of CITES : a reference to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

This comprehensive publication presents a history of the evolution of CITES. It begins with the basics and guides the reader through its complex structure. The provisions of the Convention are clearly highlighted in the book, and the numerous resolutions and decisions are explained.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Shëtitje në natyrën e egër : shembuj evropianë të ruajtjes ndërkufitare

This publication aims to further raise awareness about the value of transboundary conservation, highlighting the many benefits transboundary cooperation generates, while not neglecting the challenges and problems parties encounter when they engage in transboundary initiatives.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Crossing borders for nature : European examples of transboundary conservation (Macedonian version)

This publication aims to further raise awareness about the value of transboundary conservation, highlighting the many benefits transboundary cooperation generates, while not neglecting the challenges and problems parties encounter when they engage in transboundary initiatives.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Towards a representative network of marine protected areas in Libya

Of the current 750 marine and coastal protected areas that have been created in the Mediterranean, two thirds of these are along the northern coast of the sea. Therefore important habitats along the eastern and southern coast are under-represented.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Crossing borders for nature : European examples of transboundary conservation

This publication aims to further raise awareness about the value of transboundary conservation, highlighting the many benefits transboundary cooperation generates, while not neglecting the challenges and problems parties encounter when they engage in transboundary initiatives.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Catchment management and coral reef conservation : a practical guide for coastal resource managers to reduce damage from catchment areas based on best practice case studies

This book aims to help people manage coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems; especially to solve problems that flow from nearby catchment (watershed) areas.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Biodiversity and ecosystem management in the Iraqi marshlands : screening study on potential World Heritage nomination

<p>This report includes an inventory of data and information on the Iraqi marshland ecosystem; technical guidance on the assessment framework and tools for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation with regard to the requirements for World Heritage nomination; and guidance on the d



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Coral reef resilience assessment of the Bonaire National Marine Park, Netherlands Antilles : surveys from 31 May to 7 June, 2009

Although Bonaire’s coral reefs remain among the healthiest and most resilient in the Caribbean, this IUCN report based on the IUCN Resilience Assessment of Coral Reefs highlights some of the threats that exist to Bonaire’s coral reefs, and which could have serious implications for resilience to f



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

One nature. One world. Our future : decisions of the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Bonn, 19-30 May 2008


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Advancing the biodiversity agenda : a UN system-wide contribution


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Biodiversity indicators and the 2010 biodiversity target : outputs, experiences and lessons learnt from the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership

This report summarises the experiences and lessons learnt from the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (2010 BIP), as well as providing details of 27 global indicators developed in support of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)'s 2010 Biodiversity Target.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Proceedings of the World Climate Conference-3 with conference declaration establishing a global framework for climate change services

The proceedings of the World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3), issued as a three-CD boxed set, presents the outcomes and organization of the Conference. The CD set also contains some relevant background material and a brief follow-up


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment outreach kit

This resource is a compilation of resources for communicating the work of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), which might be useful for outreach activities organizations might wish to undertake related to the findings of the MA, on the importance of ecosystem servicse and actions that can b


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

UNEP year book 2010 : new science and developments in our changing environment


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Global ocean protection : present status and future possibilities (Korean version)

This publication provides a much needed and timely tool to assist in the collective effort to find new and better solutions to address the various threats to the marine biological diversity and productivity.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Climate proof : a four step guide for coastal projects

Scientific evidence suggests that variations in temperature, weather patterns and sea level will impact coastal ecosystems and communities.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Rapport préliminaire sur l'état de l'environnement en Afrique centrale

Le Rapport préliminaire sur l'état de l'environnement en Afrique Centrale fait une description des ressources naturelles encore existantes, identifie les opportunités d'utilisation de celles-ci en vue de la lutte contre la pauvreté et le développement durable.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity : TEEB for local and regional policy makers

This report is planned to be a useful advisory tool for local and regional policymakers, administrators and managers. The information in this report will also be of interest to organisations such as NGOs, regulatory bodies, permitting agencies and the judicial system.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity : ecological and economic foundations

The TEEB study is underpinned by an assessment of state-of-the-art science and economics. The goal is to provide the conceptual foundation to link economics and ecology and to posit a paradigm of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity : a quick guide to TEEB for local and regional policy makers

The TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers was released on September 9, 2010, and includes overviews to the various chapters of the full TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers Report (available from Earthscan or by chapter from the following address:


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Global ocean protection : present status and future possibilities

This publication provides a much needed and timely tool to assist in the collective effort to find new and better solutions to address the various threats to the marine biological diversity and productivity.


Publication Year: 
