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This list contains 14 entry(ies).

IUCN Publication

Леса на территории объектов всемирного наследия : поглотители углерода под воздействием

World Heritage forests are some of the most biodiversity-rich habitats on Earth and play a crucial role in climate regulation by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. However, these forests are under increasing anthropogenic pressures, including climate change.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

世界遗产地森林 : 压力重重的碳汇

World Heritage forests are some of the most biodiversity-rich habitats on Earth and play a crucial role in climate regulation by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. However, these forests are under increasing anthropogenic pressures, including climate change.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Bosques del Patrimonio Mundial : sumideros de carbono bajo presión

Los bosques del Patrimonio Mundial constituyen algunos de los hábitats más biológicamente diversos de la Tierra y desempeñan un papel crucial en la regulación del clima absorbiendo el dióxido de carbono (CO2) de la atmósfera.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Florestas do Patrimônio Mundial : sumidouros de carbono sob pressão

As florestas do Patrimônio Mundial são alguns dos habitats mais ricos em biodiversidade da Terra e desempenham um papel fundamental na regulação do clima ao absorver dióxido de carbono (CO2) da atmosfera.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Forêts du patrimoine mondial : puits de carbone sous pression

Les forêts du patrimoine mondial comptent parmi les habitats dont la biodiversité est la plus riche sur Terre. Elles jouent un rôle crucial dans la régulation du climat en absorbant le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) de l’atmosphère.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Horizon du patrimoine mondial de l’UICN 3

L’Horizon du patrimoine mondial de l’UICN 3 s’appuie sur les trois cycles des Évaluations des perspectives de conservation réalisées depuis 2014.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

생태계서비스 측정, 모델링, 가치평가 도구

Increasing interest in measuring, modelling and valuing ecosystem services (ES), the benefits that ecosystems provide to people, has resulted in the development of an array of ES assessment tools in recent years. Selecting an appropriate tool for measuring and modelling ES can be challenging.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

World Heritage forests : carbon sinks under pressure

World Heritage forests are some of the most biodiversity-rich habitats on Earth and play a crucial role in climate regulation by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. However, these forests are under increasing anthropogenic pressures, including climate change.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

IUCN World Heritage Outlook 3

IUCN World Heritage Outlook 3 builds on three cycles of Conservation Outlook Assessments undertaken since 2014. It presents the main results for 2020, but also some longer-term trends based on a comparison of three data sets now available.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Tools for measuring, modelling, and valuing ecosystem services

Increasing interest in measuring, modelling and valuing ecosystem services (ES), the benefits that ecosystems provide to people, has resulted in the development of an array of ES assessment tools in recent years. Selecting an appropriate tool for measuring and modelling ES can be challenging.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

World heritage, wilderness, and large landscapes and seascapes

This thematic study focuses on the contribution the World Heritage Convention can make to wilderness conservation around the world.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

TABE'A II report : enhancing regional capacities for World Heritage (Arabic version)

The TABE'A II report is a second more detailed analysis of the Arab region's World Heritage Programme based on the baseline established in the first report from 2011, as well as of the progress achieved since then.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

World heritage and tourism in a changing climate

This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

TABE'A II report : enhancing regional capacities for World Heritage

The TABE'A II report is a second more detailed analysis of the Arab region's World Heritage Programme based on the baseline established in the first report from 2011, as well as of the progress achieved since then.



Publication Year: