Management of transboundary waters in increasingly becoming more challenging, and climate change is likely to exacerbate these pressures. Not least because climate change is a global issue, adaptation will require an international response.
Reflexiones Mediterráneas 2012-2013 de UICN es un informe que resume las principales actividades del Centro de Cooperación del Mediterráneo de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN-Med) desarrolladas por los distintos programas que están operativos desde Mála
Without biodiversity, there is no business. Companies are therefore major players in this landscape and are responsible for their impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Juffe-Bignoli, Diego
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), CH
This report is the first one delivered under the Python Conservation Partnership. Established in November 2013, the Partnership aims to contribute to the improved sustainability of the python skin trade and to help facilitate industry-wide change.
Lyons, Jessica A.
Natusch, Daniel J.D.
International Trade Centre, CH
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Boa and Python Specialist Group
The main goal of this Explanatory Guide is to facilitate the understanding of the legal obligations of the Parties under the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Ahrén, Mattias
Ali, Natasha
Cabrera Medaglia, Jorge A.
Greiber, Thomas
Kamau, Evanson C.
Nieto Carrasco, Jimena
Oliva, Maria Julia
Pena Moreno, Sonia
Perron-Welch, Frederic
Williams, China
Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
This report presents the main findings and recommendations of the IUCN-Niger Delta Panel, regarding the sustainable remediation and rehabilitation of oil spill impacted sites in the Niger Delta.
This book presents four exercises that describe a series of conflict scenarios that are completely fictitious but fully possible "realities" in order for them to be analyzed in the context of dialogue and cooperation among the different imaginary actors.
Iza, Alejandro
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
Esta publicación tiene por objeto ayudar a los funcionarios de gobierno a fortalecer su capacidad de negociación y promover la cooperación entre actores estatales en el ámbito de los recursos hídricos compartidos.
Iza, Alejandro
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
This publication was developed to provide guidance on the benefits of and ways to integrate environmental concerns into disaster risk reduction strategies (DRR) at the local and national levels.
La Lista de Patrimonio Mundial incluye 156 sitios que explícitamente son reconocidos por sus excepcionales valores en biodiversidad, y representan todos los principales ecosistemas del mundo.
Ali, Mariam Kenza
Badman, Tim
Bertzky, Bastian
Engels, B.
Hughes, A.
Shi, Yichuan
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.
<p>This report includes an inventory of data and information on the Iraqi marshland ecosystem; technical guidance on the assessment framework and tools for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation with regard to the requirements for World Heritage nomination; and guidance on the d
This book is designed to help conservation organisations, community-based organisations and protected area managers plan and run effective ecotourism businesses.
This study identifies the relationships that exist between World Heritage cultural landscapes and protected areas, and documents the practical management and governance associations that occur between them.
The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.
This fourth edition of the Global Re-introduction Perspectives provides 52 case-studies covering invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants.
Denver Zoological Foundation, US
Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, AE
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
This document aims to share lessons learned from the implementation of the Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Initiative (PREMI) designed and executed by the Central and West Africa Programme of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-PACO).
IUCN, Regional Office for Central and Western Africa
Le présent document vise à partager les leçons apprises de la mise en oeuvre de l'Initiative pour la Réduction de la Pauvreté et la Gestion de l'Environnement (Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Initiative -- PREMI) conçue et exécutée par le Programme Afrique Centrale et Occidentale d
IUCN, Regional Office for Central and Western Africa
Le Cameroun, à l’instar d’autres pays du Bassin du Congo, subit de plein fouet les effets environnementaux, sociaux et économico-dévastateurs des changements climatiques, généralement provoqués par la déforestation, la dégradation et la fragmentation des forêts.
This guide aims at making accessible the main concepts and methods of economic valuation of the monetary value of goods and services rendered by natural ecosystems in general. This text is designed for all actors involved in the economic valuation of ecological services.
L’objectif de ce guide est de rendre accessible les principaux concepts et méthodes d’évaluation économique de la valeur monétaire des biens et services des écosystèmes naturels en général. Ce guide s’adresse à tous les acteurs impliqués dans l’évaluation économique des services écologiques.
The purpose of this manual is to assist protected area (PA) managers, conservationists, tourism professionals, private tourism holdings, and other main stakeholders in the planning, development, management and monitoring process of tourism in the transboundary protected areas (TBAs) of the Dinari
L’étude thématique sur le patrimoine mondial marin a été rédigée dans le but d’apporter des orientations aux États parties et aux praticiens de la conservation sur les meilleurs moyens d’appliquer la Convention du patrimoine mondial dans les océans et dans les mers.
The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.
The Jamaican Iguana Recovery Group (JIRG) is a consortium of local Jamaican organizations and international conservation groups that held a workshop in July 2006 to formulate this Species Recovery Plan (SRP) for the Jamaican iguana.
Grant, Tandora
Pagni, Lee
Wilson, Byron S.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Iguana Specialist Group
This volume argues that governance that is both appropriate to the context and “good” is crucial for effective and equitable conservation. This applies to all kinds of protected areas and other conserved areas, in terrestrial, inland waters, coastal and marine environments.
Borrini, Grazia
Dudley, Nigel
Jaeger, Tilman
Lassen, Barbara
Pathak, Neema
Phillips, Adrian
Sandwith, Trevor
Biodiversity and Protected Area Management (BIOPAMA) Programme
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
This publication aims to advance conceptual thinking and legal understanding about important law and policy tools and options for supporting the connectivity of protected area systems.
Lausche, Barbara J.
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
Le présent document vise à capitaliser les mécanismes de bonne gouvernance autour du réservoir de Kompienga et à proposer des solutions pour la renforcer, dans loptique que ces bonnes pratiques puis sent être répliqu ées a u niveau dautres grands ouvrages hydrauliques au Burkina Faso.
IUCN Burkina Faso
Global Water Initiative (GWI)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Au cours de la période 2009-2012, la Global Water Initiative (GWI) en Afrique de lOuest, pilotée par le consortium formé de lUnion internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN) et lInstitut International pour lEnvironnement et le Développement (IIED), a développé avec les partenaire
IUCN Senegal
Global Water Initiative (GWI)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
This publication aims to give some guidance on how to measure the impact of climate change on the marine biodiversity of protected areas and how to improve planning for the mitigation of future impact.
Garrabou, Joaquim
Otero, María del Mar
Vargas, Manuel
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA)
El objetivo principal de esta Guía Explicativa es facilitar la comprensión de las obligaciones legales de las Partes en el Protocolo de Nagoya sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Participación Justa y Equitativa en los Beneficios que se Deriven de su Utilización (ABS, por sus siglas en inglés
Greiber, Thomas
Pena Moreno, Sonia
Ahrén, Mattias
Nieto Carrasco, Jimena
Kamau, Evanson C.
Cabrera Medaglia, Jorge A.
Oliva, Maria Julia
Perron-Welch, Frederic
Ali, Natasha
Williams, China
Denmark, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
La Liste du patrimoine mondial compte 156 explicitement reconnus pour leurs valeurs exceptionnelles du point de vue de la biodiversité. Ensemble, ils représentent les principaux écosystèmes de la planète.
Ali, Mariam Kenza
Badman, Tim
Bertzky, Bastian
Engels, B.
Hughes, A.
Shi, Yichuan
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
The World Heritage List includes 156 properties explicitly recognized for their outstanding biodiversity values, which together represent the worlds major ecosystems.
Ali, Mariam Kenza
Badman, Tim
Bertzky, Bastian
Engels, B.
Hughes, A.
Shi, Yichuan
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Ecosystem goods and services make critical contributions to food security by supporting the availability, access and use of foods, and by strengthening the stability of food systems.
This report brings together a broad range of new and existing information on 2,358 plant and animal species of the Albertine Rift (AR) region of East and Central Africa.