This list contains 26199 entry(ies).
Cette publication de la Liste rouge synthétise les résultats obtenus pour les mammifères terrestres méditerranéens et offre une première vue densemble du statut de conservation de ces espèces conformément aux Lignes directrices pour lapplication, au niveau régional, des Critères de lUICN pour
- Cuttelod, Annabelle
- Temple, Helen J.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
- IUCN, Regional Protected Areas Programme, Western Africa
Sustaining the Worlds Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) provides examples of advances made in the operationalization of the five-module approach to ecosystem based management (EBM) for sustaining the goods and services of the worlds LMEs.
- Sherman, Kenneth
- Aquarone, Marie-Christine
- Adams, Sally
- United States, NOAA
- UNESCO, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- Ash, Neville
- Boltz, Frederick
- Brooks, Thomas M.
- McNeely, Jeffrey A.
- Mittermeier, Russell A.
- Conservation International
- International League of Conservation Photographers
Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary (PKWS) is one of the most significant coastal wildlife sanctuaries in Cambodia because it maintains a sizeable area of both mangrove forest and evergreen forest, as well as a number of globally threatened species.
- An Dara
- Kong, Kimsreng
- Hout Piseth
- Mather, Robert
This publication has been prepared as part of the Flow Assessment Component of the Pangani River Basin Management Project.
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Regional Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Pangani Basin Water Office (PBWO), TZ
This publication has been prepared as part of the Flow Assessment Component of the Pangani River Basin Management Project.
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Regional Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Pangani Basin Water Office (PBWO), TZ
This publication has been prepared as part of the Flow Assessment Component of the Pangani River Basin Management Project.
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Regional Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Pangani Basin Water Office (PBWO), TZ
This publication has been prepared as part of the Flow Assessment Component of the Pangani River Basin Management Project.
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Regional Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Pangani Basin Water Office (PBWO), TZ
Government of Pakistan set in motion the local governance system under the Local Government Ordinance (LGO) 2001, which introduced a three-tier system of governance at the district, tehsil and union council level.
- IUCN Pakistan
- Netherlands, [Government]
The objectives of the first edition of the Pangani situation analysis included identifying the resources that occupy the Pangani River Basin (PRB) and the processes and events that affect them, and identifying a series of broad action areas wherein interventions may feasibly be delivered.
- IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Pangani Basin Water Office (PBWO), TZ
- Coast Development Authority, KE
- Global Water Initiative (GWI)
Du 21 au 23 décembre 2009, une quinzaine de structures venant de Réo, Koudougou, Bougnounou, Léo, Sapouy et Ouagadougou ont participé aux journées promotionnelles des Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux (PFNL) du Centre Ouest à Sapouy, chef lieu de la Province du Ziro.
This report presents a review of the conservation status of 165 species of dragonflies found in the Mediterranean basin, according to the criteria of the regional IUCN Red List.
- Boudot, Jean-Pierre
- Cuttelod, Annabelle
- Ferreira, Sonia
- Jovic, Miloš
- Kalkman, Vincent J.
- Riservato, Elisa
- Samraoui, Boudjéma
- Schneider, Wolfgang
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
This report presents a review of the conservation status of 165 species of dragonflies found in the Mediterranean basin, according to the criteria of the regional IUCN Red List.
- Boudot, Jean-Pierre
- Cuttelod, Annabelle
- Ferreira, Sonia
- Jovic, Miloš
- Kalkman, Vincent J.
- Riservato, Elisa
- Samraoui, Boudjéma
- Schneider, Wolfgang
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
This first volume in the Handbook of the Mammals of the World series deals with the following families: African Palm Civet; Cats; Linsangs; Civets, Genets and Oyans; Hyenas; Mongooses; Euplerids; Dogs; Bears; Red Panda; Racoons; Skunks; Weasels, Martens, Polecats, Badgers and Otters.
- Conservation International
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- Texas A & M University, US
This publication is the executive summary for a full report which demonstrates the value of ecosystems and biodiversity to the economy, to society and to individuals. It underlines the urgency of action, as well as the benefits and opportunities that will arise as a result of taking such action.
- European Commission
- Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
- Norway, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Norway, [Government]
- Sweden, SIDA
- The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative
- United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
- United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
This report has been commissioned by the Atoll Ecosystem Conservation Project at the Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment, Government of Maldives, and its main objective is to quantify and demonstrate the economic value of the Maldivian coastal and marine biodiversity; and to provide an
- Emerton, L. (Lucy)
- Baig, Saima
- Saleem, Marie
- Maldives, Ministry of Housing, Transport and Environment
L'Afrique de l'Ouest dispose d'importantes potentialités en termes de biodiversité, notamment dans ses aires protégées, dont neuf parmi les plus exceptionnelles, localisées dans cinq pays (Mauritanie, Sénégal, Guinée, Côte d'Ivoire et Niger), sont inscrites sur la liste des sites du patrimoine mo
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
- IUCN, Regional Protected Areas Programme, Western Africa
La présente évaluation de l'efficacité de gestion des sites Ramsar d'Afrique de l'Ouest a été réalisée à partir d'un échantillon de treize sites en Afrique de l'Ouest, répartis dans cinq pays (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Liberia et Mali), francophones ou anglophones.
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
- IUCN, Regional Protected Areas Programme, Western Africa
The goal of this toolkit is to help promote environmental stewardship and increase awareness of marine and coastal ecosystems among schoolchildren in Asia through the use of creative, investigative approaches.
- Hoon, Vineeta
- Kanvinde, Hemal
- Sriskanthan, Gaya
- Centre for Action Research on Environment Science and Society (CARESS), IN
- Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO)
- IUCN Sri Lanka
- IUCN, Ecosystem and Livelihoods Group, Asia
- IUCN, Global Marine Programme
La présente étude propose donc deffectuer un état des lieux de la prise en compte de la biodiversité par les signes de reconnaissance du secteur agricole sur la base dune analyse des cahiers des charges dun échantillon de ceux-ci.
- Comité national des Membres de l’UICN de France
This report is part of a series of investigations to determine whether pro-poor environmental fiscal reform can be designed and implemented in key sectors in the district of Abbottabad. This preliminary study aims to assess the current status of drinking water services in the district.
- IUCN Pakistan
- Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), PK
- Pakistan, North-West Frontier Province, [Government]
This study entailed a review of the existing literature relevant to agriculture policy, water policy and the status of various conventions/protocols to which Pakistan is a signatory. It identifies the gaps and makes recommendations on ways and means to address the gaps in the existing documents.
- IUCN Pakistan
- Pakistan, [Government]
- Royal Norwegian Embassy, PK
- United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
This study aims to explore options for pro-poor environmental fiscal reform (EFR) in Abbottabad. it serves as a primary evaluation, investigating ground realities, examining the institutional context and assessing household perceptions.
- Mustafa, Usman
- Haq, Mirajul
- Iftikhar, Ahmad
- IUCN Pakistan
- Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), PK
- Pakistan, North-West Frontier Province, [Government]
This report is part of a series of investigations to determine whether pro-poor environmental fiscal reform can be designed and implemented in key sectors in the district of Abbottabad. This preliminary study aims to assess the current status of drinking water services in the district.
- Mustafa, Usman
- Haq, Mirajul
- Iftikhar, Ahmad
- IUCN Pakistan
- Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), PK
- Pakistan, North-West Frontier Province, [Government]
This TEEB report presents a sub-set of early conclusions which relate to climate change.
- The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative
Conservation for a New Era outlines the critical issues facing us in the 21st century, developed from the results of the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in October 2008.
- Mainka, Sue
- McNeely, Jeffrey A.
- Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
- Wetlands International
- WWF International
- International Development Research Centre, CA
- Senegal, [Government]
- Cape Verde, [Government]
- Gambia, [Government]
- Guinea, [Government]
- Guinea Bissau, [Government]
- Sierra Leone, [Government]
- Programme régional de conservation de la zone côtière et marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)
- United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
- Wetlands International
- WWF International
- International Development Research Centre, CA
- Senegal, [Government]
- Cape Verde, [Government]
- Gambia, [Government]
- Guinea, [Government]
- Guinea Bissau, [Government]
- Sierra Leone, [Government]
Over the last few years, two key environmental issues, closely related, have been on the top of the environmental agenda: climate change and deforestation. Forest is a subject for these two concerns.
- United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)
- WWF International
- UNEP, Global Resource Information Database (GRID)
- Nijman, Vincent
- Shepherd, Chris R.
- TRAFFIC Europe
- European Commission
- European Union
The key objective of this Workshop was to gather a steering group of government departments, non-government organizations (NGOs) and research institutions in Southeast Asia to raise awareness of the magnitude of the pangolin trade and discuss how to combat the illegal trade.
- Pantel, S. (Sandrine)
- Chin, S. Y.
- TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
- Singapore Zoo, SG
Conservation for a New Era outlines the critical issues facing us in the 21st century, developed from the results of the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in October 2008.
- Mainka, Sue
- McNeely, Jeffrey A.
- IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
The report reflects the progress made by BBP in 2008.
- Alvarez, Juan Marco
- Athanas, Andrea
- Borges, Maria Ana
- Carbone, Giulia
- Hosack, Dennis
- Koning, Saskia de
- McCormick, Nadine
- IUCN, Business and Biodiversity Programme
- Nieman, Anne Louise
- Kamp, Kevin
- IUCN Laos
- Lao People's Democratic Republic, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Center
The Building Bridges electronic newsletter was launched in May 2009 and is produced twice yearly by the Business and Biodiversity Programme. It brings together news and views on conservation and the private sector.
- IUCN, Business and Biodiversity Programme
Turtlelog is a formal online newsletter for members of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group for timely postings of short field reports and other time-sensitive information regarding turtle conservation issues or projects that are developing or in progress or in preliminary
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
Lack of readily available information on the status and distribution of inland water taxa in western Africa explains why biodiversity is often poorly represented within the development planning process.
- Darwall, W.R.T.
- Diop, M. D.
- Niane, M.
- Smith, K. G.
- European Union
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Wetlands International
TRAFFIC Southeast Asia identified the Southeast Asian Box Turtle as a heavily traded species to be used as a case study for science-based management, which could serve as a model for other CITES Appendix II species in trade.
This report presents an assessment of the trade in gibbons and orang-utans in Sumatra, Indonesia, including the islands off Sumatras west coast (most notably, the Mentawai Islands).
Briefing paper presented at the World Oceans Conference, Manado, Indonesia providing an analysis of trends in shark catch.
Reports from non-governmental organizations have raised concerns about the scale of illegal trade in merbau, a timber from nine species in the genus Intsia and there is concern over the sustainability of harvests from natural merbau populations.
- Tong P. S.
- Chen, Hin Keong
- Hewitt, J.
- Affre, A.
- TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
- The Rufford Foundation
The situation analysis studies assessed the current water governance frameworks encompassing policies, legal and regulatory frameworks, and institutional and decision-making aspects, for the three countries.
- IUCN, Asia Regional Water and Wetlands Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
The situation analysis studies assessed the current water governance frameworks encompassing policies, legal and regulatory frameworks, and institutional and decision-making aspects, for the three countries.
- IUCN, Asia Regional Water and Wetlands Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
The situation analysis studies assessed the current water governance frameworks encompassing policies, legal and regulatory frameworks, and institutional and decision-making aspects, for the three countries.
- IUCN, Asia Regional Water and Wetlands Programme
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
Shortly after the 2002 conclusion of the TRAFFIC surveys the Viet Nam Government prohibited the use and exploitation of wild marine turtles with Government Decree 48/2002/ND-CP.
- TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
- The Rufford Foundation
- WWF International
Since 1997, TRAFFIC has been carrying out country surveys of trade in ivory and, in some cases, live elephants.
- TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
- The Rufford Foundation
- WWF International