This list contains 26199 entry(ies).
- Patry, Marc
- Ripley, Steven
- Unesco, World Heritage Centre
- Institut de Ciències del Mar (CMIMA), ES
- Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER)
- National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS), UK
- Parc national de Port-Cros, FR
- Total Foundation
Background information about the district is given, the rationale and requirement of the new system of local government and the salient features of the history and geography of Gwadar are given.
- IUCN Pakistan, Balochistan Programme
- Pakistan, Balochistan, [Government]
- Fisher, Robert
- McDougall, Cynthia
- Prabhu, Ravi
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), ID
- International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), CH
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
<p>Non-timber forest products (NTFP) include all the materials (excluding timber) collected from natural or man-made forests and riverine habitats, and used to support local livelihoods in Lao PDR: food, medicines, fibres, extracts and ornamentals.
- National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, LA
- National University of Lao PDR
- SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, NL
- WWF International
- Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
- Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- Sweden, SIDA
- Cassar, Louis F.
- Conrad, Elisabeth
- CARE International
- IUCN Nepal
- WWF International
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
"Provides a set of case studies of asset-building projects around the globe aimed at designing and implementing public policies that will increase the capital assets of the poor.
- World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT), CH
- Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), DE
- Universität Bern, Geographisches Institut, CH
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
This book provides a review of progress in achieving the EECCA Environment Strategy's objectives, and provides a solid analytical base for discussions on future environmental co-operation between EECCA countries and their partners.
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- FAO, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
The State of the Worlds Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is the first global assessment of livestock biodiversity.
- FAO, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
This publication includes 23 strategic priorities for action to promote the wise management of animal genetic resources and is the outcome of a country-driven process of reporting, analysis and discussion, which also resulted in the preparation of The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources
- FAO, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), ZA
- University of Witwatersrand, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), ZA
This book provides a description of the marine environment of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi bringing together the latest research findings and information about the marine resources and environment of the Emirate.
- Al Abd al-Salam, Thabit ibn Zahran
- United Arab Emirates, Environment Agency
Ice, snow and climate change are closely linked. The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow investigates those linkages. It also presents information on the trends in ice and snow, the outlook for this century and beyond and the consequences to ecosystems and human well-being of these changes.
- Brinkman, Rick
- Kirschner, Rick
Dirt, soil, call it what you want--it's everywhere we go. It is the root of our existence, supporting our feet, our farms, our cities. This fascinating yet disquieting book finds, however, that we are running out of dirt, and it's no laughing matter.
- Wageningen University, NL
- Asahi Glass Foundation, JP
In recent decades "participatory" approaches to forest management have been introduced around the world. This book assesses their implementation in the highly politicized environments of India and Nepal.
- Blaikie, Piers
- Springate-Baginski, Oliver
This book, written by the world's foremost experts, examines key issues, including law and enforcement, supply and demand, corruption, forest certification, poverty, local livelihoods, international trade and biodiversity conservation.
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), ID
This book integrates biological, agricultural, medical, historical and economic knowledge on biological globalisation. It treats invading micro-organisms, plants and animals alike in their multiple impacts on nature and biodiversity, the economy and human health.
- Weijden, Wouter van der
- Leewis, R. J.
- Bol, Pieter
- Royal Dutch Society for Natural History, NL
- Hellmuth, Molly Elizabeth
- Moorhead, Anne
- Thomson, Madeleine C.
- Williams, Jim
- International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), US
This publication is designed for fishermen, net makers, fishing technologiests and others interested in a practical guide to the design, use and operation of effective bycatch reduction devices.
The Wild Places is both an intellectual and a physical journey, and Macfarlane travels in time as well as space. Guided by monks, questers, scientists, philosophers, poets and artists, both living and dead, he explores our changing ideas of the wild.
This publication presents several case studies of selected natural and cultural World Heritage sites in order to illustrate the impacts of climate change that have already been observed and those which can be anticipated in the future.
- Unesco, World Heritage Centre
In 2004, Sean Willmore traveled across six continents and nineteen countries, interviewing and filming the lives and stories of park rangers, in an attempt to explore the social and environmental pressures on the front line of conservation.
- Willmore, Sean
- Hogarth, Jeremy
This book provides a comprehensive description and assessment of the use of marker-assisted selection for increasing the rate of genetic gain in crops, livestock, forestry and farmed fish, including the related policy, organizational and resource considerations.
- Guimarães, Elcio P.
- Ruane, John
- Scherf, Beate D.
- Sonnino, Andrea
- Dargie, James D.
The book contains 10 chapters on useful strategies and information to help small and/or large conservation organizations succeed in business.
- Dombeck, Michael P.
- Pandolfi, Francis P.
Parks and Carrying Capacity is an important new work for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and researchers in outdoor recreation, park planning and management, and natural resource conservation and management, as well as for professional planners and managers involved with park and ou
An international journal devoted to progress in the use of monitoring data in assessing environmental risks to Man and the environment.
This collection of papers is aimed at providing those making and influencing policies at the intersection of biotechnology, trade and sustainability with a comprehensive overview of key policy areas - in Eastern Africa and beyond - to enable the formulation of coherent policies.
- International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), CH
- African Technology Policy Studies Network
Cette revue de la conservation de la nature et des aires protégées en Côte d'Ivoire, où les habitats naturels se sont trouvés bouleversés en seulement deux ou trois décennies, constitue une contribution à un état des lieux biogéographique du continent à la charnière de deux siècles.
- European Commission
- France, Ministère des Affaires étrangères
- Switzerland, Direction du Développement et de la Coopération
- Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- WWF International
- Fondation pour les Parcs et Réserves de Côte d'Ivoire
- Côte d'Ivoire, Ministère de l'Environnement
- Afrique Nature International
- Montenegro, Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection
- UNDP Montenegro
- UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
- Italy, Ministero dell'Ambiente
- Tiessen, Holm
- Brklacich, Mike
- Breulmann, Gerhard
- Menezes, Rômulo S. C.
- International Council for Science (ICSU), Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE)
- Michev, T.
- Stoyneva, M. P.
- Kontoleon, Andreas
- Pascual, Unai
- Swanson, Timothy M.
- McNeely, Jeffrey A.