This book is a product of the Marine Conservation Sub-Committee, an advisory body on marine species issues within IUCN. The book features twelve stories of different ocean animals that highlight the latest issues in marine conservation.
Campagna, Claudio
Griffin, Julie
Hurd, Andrew
Pilcher, Nicolas
Sadovy de Mitcheson, Yvonne
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN, Global Marine Programme
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Marine Conservation Sub-Committee
Seagrasses are flowering plants that thrive in shallow oceanic and estuarine waters around the world. Although there are only about 60 species of seagrasses worldwide, these plants play an important role in many shallow, near-shore, marine ecosystems.
Groundwater is the earth's largest accessible store of fresh water. The volume is almost 100 times that of surface water. In recent decades use of groundwater has grown exponentially. Over 2 billion people depend on it for their daily supply.
This technical report uses the framework of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment to extend awareness on the value of coastal ecosystems, their products and services for human well-being (i.e.
This book follows applications of the Ecosystem Approach over a 5-10 year period in five locations. Key findings include the vital importance of a full stakeholder analysis, of market analysis and of the promotion of institutional evolution.
This publication is a collection of selected case studies representative of the application of the Ecosystem Approach under different ecological, social, economic and cultural contexts in Latin America.
Andrade Pérez, Angela
Medina, Maria Eugenia
Instituto Humboldt, CO
IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
Tropenbos International, NL
UNEP, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbeans
In the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, four organizations, Both ENDS, World Wide Fund for Nature, Wetlands International and IUCN Netherlands Committee, implemented Green Coast: for nature and people after the tsunami, to assist the tsunamiaffected countries in Asia: India, Indonesia, Sr
The combination of threats currently facing the remaining great apes requires immediate conservation action at all scales from site-level initiatives, through national and regional strategies, to international conventions and action plans.
Ancrenaz, M.
Kühl, H.
Maisels, F.
Williamson, Elizabeth A.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
This book (published in French) consists of nine articles written by environmental lawyers from the region, regrouped around three themes: Chapter I deals with convergences and divergences of national legal frameworks, and provides illustrations from a number of countries and subjects; Chapter
The environmental movement has made huge progress over the last decades. Among others, it has raised awareness of challenges facing humanity, helped develop a critical mass of policies, and worked towards the implementation of many of these policies in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Presentación de la Iniciativa Puembo que contribuye a propiciar un espacio de diálogo para avanzar en la implementación del manejo forestal sostenible, atraer la atención política sobre el sector forestal, fomentar la agenda política forestal y a apoyar acciones en el plano nacional, regional e i
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
This pictorial book captures the lives and livelihoods of the farmers and fishermen in the Noakhali Sadar and Subarnachar, low-lying coastal areas of Bangladesh.It also shows adaptation measures being adopted to respond to current and future changes in the climate regime.As part of the preparatio
Lentrée en vigueur du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour lalimentation et lagriculture signale lengagement de la communauté mondiale à légard dun accord autonome qui a pour but daborder à la fois la nécessité dassurer la sécurité alimentaire au niveau mondial et
Corals are a vital component of marine ecosystems. They provide food and protection for a huge variety of fish and marine life; are crucial to sustaining livelihoods among coastal populations; and a key mechanism for ensuring the protection of low-lying coastal areas.
Islands are among the richest, most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Today, in the face of growing threats such as climate change, they are also among the most vulnerable.
Islands are among the richest, most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Today, in the face of growing threats such as climate change, they are also among the most vulnerable.
La Mauritanie abrite un réseau daires protégées relativement complet et représentatif en ce qui concerne les écosystèmes marins. En revanche, il pourrait être complété par les parties terrestres.
IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
IUCN, Regional Protected Areas Programme, Western Africa
Islands are among the richest, most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Today, in the face of growing threats such as climate change, they are also among the most vulnerable.
This book provides a systematic analysis of the requirements of access law, both the CBD requirements and the basic requirements of enforceable legislation.
Mangroves are among the most important ecosystems on the planet. They provide food and protection for a huge variety of marine and land-based species, sustain livelihoods of coastal populations, and provide protection from ocean swell and extreme weather events.
This new series of publications on the values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes is intended to document and spell out the various environmental, economic, social and cultural values that Category V protected areas can provide. The first volume addresses the topic of agrobiodiversity.
Amend, Thora
Brown, Jessica
Kothari, Ashish
Phillips, Adrian
Stolton, Sue
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
This study aims to review major issues in the measurement of human capital and present some empirical measures of human capital for India. Education is an important component of economic activity, although investment in education is only one of the many forms of investment in human capital.
Der Übergang zur intensiven Landbewirtschaftung, die Nutzungsaufgabe von steilen und abgelegenen Flächen sowie die Ausdehnung des Siedlungsraums haben in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten in den Alpen einen beträchtlichen Verlust an Landschaftsqualität und an biologischer Vielfalt verursacht.
It is generally accepted that human emissions of greenhouse gases upset the thermal balance of earth-atmosphere system and ultimately lead to global climate changes. The extent of the changes will depend on future emissions of greenhouse gases and will vary between the Earth's different regions.