This list contains 26216 entry(ies).
Madagascar is one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet; more than 80% of its species are not found anywhere else on Earth.
The Eastern Mediterranean region supports just over 4.4% of the global human population yet contains only 1.1% of its renewable water resources, which are under constant threat from the impacts of unsustainable water withdrawal, dam development and climate change.
- Smith, K. G.
- Barrios, Violeta
- Darwall, W.R.T.
- Numa, Catherine
- Critical Ecosystem Patrnership Fund
- Fondation MAVA pour la nature
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
While the Mediterranean basin biodiversity hotspot is well known for its globally important biodiversity, its freshwater biodiversity has not been as widely recognized for its importance.
- Darwall, W.R.T.
- Carrizo, S.
- Numa, Catherine
- Barrios, Violeta
- Freyhof, Jörg
- Smith, K.
- Critical Ecosystem Patrnership Fund
- Fondation MAVA pour la nature
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Esta guía es un esfuerzo conjunto de apoyo a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, grupos de mujeres e instituciones estatales y no estatales involucradas en el sector energético de América Latina, para incorporar la perspectiva de género en sus políticas y proyectos.
- Rojas, Ana Victoria
- Siles Calvo, Jackeline
- International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy (ENERGIA)
- Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE)
El documento ofrece un resumen sobre el marco legal e institucional para el desarrollo de mecanismos de distribución de beneficios REDD+. Asimismo presenta lecciones aprendidas, retos y recomendaciones para el diseño de estos mecanismos en el contexto peruano.
- Che-Piu, Hugo
- Cordero, Doris
- Schneider, Claudio
- Suárez de Freitas, Gustavo
- Germany, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
- The Forests Dialogue (TFD), US
The document presents a summary of the legal and institutional framework necessary for the development of REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms. Furthermore, it introduces lessons learned, challenges, and recommendations for the design of such mechanisms in a Peruvian context.
- Che-Piu, Hugo
- Cordero, Doris
- Schneider, Claudio
- Suárez de Freitas, Gustavo
- Germany, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
- The Forests Dialogue (TFD), US
Produit dans le cadre du Projet Résilience Agricole, Ecologique et Sociale face au Changement Climatique (SEARCH) au Maroc, ce document est destiné au partage des approches, méthodologies et expériences pilotes réalisées, au Rif occidental ou ailleurs, face au changement climatique.
- Jabrane, Mohamed
- Taiqui, Lahcen
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Produit dans le cadre du Projet Résilience Agricole, Ecologique et Sociale face au Changement Climatique (SEARCH) au Maroc, ce document est destiné au partage des approches, méthodologies et expériences pilotes réalisées, au Rif occidental ou ailleurs, face au changement climatique.
- Jabrane, Mohamed
- Taiqui, Lahcen
- IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
El bio-protocolo es una herramienta que forma parte de la gobernanza interna que se ejerce en el territorio Matumbak, en donde también se perfilan derechos consuetudinarios de autonomía y autodeterminación sobre el teritorio y sus recursos. El Gobierno Territorial de Mayangna Satuni Arungka-Matum
- IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
- United States, USAID, Programa Regional de Cambio Climático de USAID (PRCC)
The Lesser Antillean iguana represents a unique component of the overall biodiversity of the Caribbean region.
- Breuil, Michel
- Iverson, John B.
- Knapp, Charles
- Rodrigues, Chloé
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Iguana Specialist Group
This book offers a collection of photographs of landscapes, natural scenery, animals and plants, taken by nine photographers who bring an intense and thorough exploration of sky, sea and land, from a myriad of different angles and perspectives.
- Capelli, Luciano
- Ross Lemus, Yazmin
- Costa Rica, Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservación (SINAC)
- IUCN, Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (ORMACC)
- Centro Científico Tropical, CR
In preparation for the International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change in Guadeloupe in October 2014, IUCN has commissioned this assessment of the implementation of the Message from Reunion Island of 2008, which resulted from the historic first conference on biodivesrity and climate c
Mangroves are an incredibly important habitat, providing essential services for both people and nature. This guidebook provides an in-depth analysis on the role that mangroves play in defense against waves, storms, tsunamis, erosion and sea level rise.
- Nature Conservancy, US
- University of Cambridge, UK
- Wetlands International
Businesses are increasingly mindful of their impacts on biodiversity and how they can address these impacts through proactive biodiversity management. Monitoring can provide companies with a better understanding whether they are achieving their intended results, and also aid in decision-making.
- IUCN, Global Business and Biodiversity Programme
In February 2014, RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) brought together 11 climate change and forestry experts in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- FAO, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
- RECOFTC (The Center for People and Forests), TH
Wetlands have been the focus of conservation and restoration efforts for over a century, and governments, international actors (NGOs and academia) and local communities around the world are now increasingly engaging in wetland restoration or avoiding wetland degration activities for climate chang
- Herr, Dorothée
- Howard, Jennifer
- Pidgeon, Emily
- Silvius, Marcel J.
- Conservation International
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Wetlands International
Between the 13th and 17th of November 2013, some 800 participants from 40 countries gathered at the Sendai International Center, Sendai city, Japan, to attend the first ever Asia Parks Congress (APC).
- IUCN Biodiversity Conservation Programme, Asia
- Japan, Ministry of the Environment
A large number of approaches have been developed over the last four decades for identifying places of significance for biodiversity, but unfortunately this requires looking at multiple, disconnected databases and other information sources to understand the sites of importance in a particular area
- Boucher, Jessica
- Brooks, Thomas M.
- Cuttelod, Annabelle
- Dudley, Nigel
- Langhammer, Penny F.
- Egan, Paul A.
- Price, Martin F.
- IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
- UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
- UNESCO, Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB)
- Egan, Paul A.
- Price, Martin F.
- IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
- UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
- UNESCO, Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB)
Is it time to embrace the so-called “Anthropocene”—the age of human dominion—and to abandon tried-and-true conservation tools such as parks and wilderness areas? Is the future of Earth to be fully domesticated?
- Butler, Tom
- Crist, Eileen
- Wuerthner, George
- Foundation for Deep Ecology
This report sets out the importance of carbon in the open ocean and, through examples, illustrates the significance and values of some of its major carbon pools and sinks.
- Baxter, J. M.
- Laffoley, D.
- Oliver, James
- Thevenon, F.
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- IUCN, Global Marine and Polar Programme
- La Fondation d'enterprise Total
- The Ocean Foundation, US
This report sets out the importance of carbon in the open ocean and, through examples, illustrates the significance and values of some of its major carbon pools and sinks.
- Baxter, J. M.
- Laffoley, D.
- Oliver, James
- Thevenon, F.
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- IUCN, Global Marine and Polar Programme
- La Fondation d'enterprise Total
- The Ocean Foundation, US
Rangelands are large natural landscapes that can include grasslands, shrublands, savannahs and woodlands. They are greatly influenced by, and often dependent on, the action of herbivores.
- Davies, Jonathan
- Herrera, Pedro M.
- Manzano Baena, Pablo
The World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) has now been in existence for a decade, a period during which considerable progress has been made globally towards sustainable pastoral development.
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IT
Asia has a rich cultural and natural heritage, but rapid development, population growth and an erosion of traditional practices are resulting in habitat loss and degradation, which is putting protected areas in Asia at risk and leading to serious decline in the biodiversity they harbour.
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- Protected Planet
This study identifies and assesses the diversity of ecosystem services, and in turn the benefits that World Heritage sites can deliver to society and the economy through direct and indirect use or through inherent 'non-use' values.
- Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
- IUCN, World Heritage Programme
- Kate, Kerry ten
- Pilgrim, John D.
- IUCN Biodiversity Offsets Technical Study Group
- IUCN, Regional Office for West Asia (ROWA)
La Amazonía es un territorio con una vasta diversidad social y ambiental; es un bioma clave para el planeta, no solo por su diversidad biológica, sino porque es fundamental para equilibrar los patrones del clima en la región.
The Protected Planet Report series, launched in 2012, helps track international progress towards achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 - a target for the global protected area network and for other related targets.
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- Protected Planet
This report offers a review of literature from various sources on the impacts of the production and use of liquid biofuels, which are used mainly in the transport sector.
- IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP), Biofuels Task Force
- Crofts, Roger
- Dudley, Nigel
- Mahon, Chris
- Partington, Richard
- Phillips, Adrian
- Pritchard, Stewart
- Stolton, Sue
- United Kingdom National Committee of IUCN Members
- Crofts, Roger
- Dudley, Nigel
- Mahon, Chris
- Partington, Richard
- Phillips, Adrian
- Pritchard, Stewart
- Stolton, Sue
- United Kingdom National Committee of IUCN Members
This book describes the challenges that arise in studying and conserving biodiversity across different scales. It describes a wide range of practical methods and recommendations to improve conservation at continental and global scales.
- Grobelnik, Vesna
- Henle, Klaus
- Kunin, William E.
- Matsinos, Yiannis G.
- Pantis, John D.
- Penev, Lyubomir
- Potts, Simon G.
- Settele, Josef
- Similä, Jukka
Natural World Heritage sites are internationally recognized as having the highest global conservation significance and include iconic places such as the Serengeti, Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands.
- IUCN, World Heritage Programme
El objetivo preciso de este manual de referencia es coadyuvar a la gestión de los valores naturales en los bienes del Patrimonio Mundial. Por ello su meta son los bienes, naturales y mixtos, del Patrimonio Mundial y los paisajes culturales (inscritos en función de criterios culturales).
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
- Unesco, World Heritage Centre
This publication presents 18 case studies to demonstrate how Protected Areas (PAs) can be better managed for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA).
- Buyck, Camille
- Murti, Radhika
- Blue Solutions
- IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
Our oceans and coasts are the origin of life on earth, an important food source, and crucial for the global ecological equilibrium, yet despite their global significance, marine and coastal ecosystems face a wide array of threats.
- Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Germany, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
This is the eighth in Plan’s annual "Because I am a girl" report series, which assesses the current state of the world's girls. Pathways to Power: Creating Sustainable Change for Adolescent Girls investigates the notion of power through research, interviews and the voices of girls themse
Los principales objetivos de este manual de referencia son a: ayudar a los administradores y a las autoridades encargadas de la gestión de bienes del Patrimonio Mundial natural y cultural a reducir los riesgos que corren esos bienes debido a los desastres tanto naturales o provocados por los sere
- International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
- Unesco, World Heritage Centre
This study focuses on pastoralism's current and future potential for securing sustainable managment and green economy outcomes from the world's rangelands.
Esta publicación proporciona una orientación para los gestores de áreas protegidas terrestres, marinas y de agua dulce, tanto a nivel de sistemas como de sitios, con respecto a la restauración de los valores naturales de la áreas protegidas y otros valores asociados.
- Cairns, Stephanie
- Dudley, Nigel
- Hall, Carol
- Keeneleyside, Karen
- Stolton, Sue
- Canada, Parks Canada
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- Society for Ecological Restoration International, US
- Borrini, Grazia
- Bueno, P.
- Hay-Edie, Terence
- Lang, B.
- Rastogi, Archi
- Sandwith, Trevor
- IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
- Borrini, Grazia
- Bueno, P.
- Hay-Edie, Terence
- Lang, B.
- Rastogi, Archi
- Sandwith, Trevor
- IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
- Borrini, Grazia
- Bueno, P.
- Hay-Edie, Terence
- Lang, B.
- Rastogi, Archi
- Sandwith, Trevor
- IUCN, Global Protected Areas Programme
La Commission de la Sauvegarde des Espèces (CSE) de l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature (UICN) décrit par la présente sa position par rapport à l'incidence et l'ampleur croissantes de l'utilisation de poisons qui a provoqué un déclin catastrophique des populations d'animaux s
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
La presente publicación argumenta que una gobernanza que es apropriada al contexto y de buena calidad es de crucial importancia para la conservación eficaz y equitativa.
- Borrini, Grazia
- Dudley, Nigel
- Jaeger, Tilman
- Lassen, Barbara
- Pathak, Neema
- Phillips, Adrian
- Sandwith, Trevor
- Biodiversity and Protected Area Management (BIOPAMA) Programme
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
- Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- ICCA Consortium
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)