La création de la Réserve naturelle de l'Aïr et du Ténéré (RNNAT) est le fruit d'un processus qui a débuté à l'initiative de l'UICN, du WWF et du PNUE. La RNNAT couvre une surface de 77 360km2 et occupe des paysages très divers.
Giazzi, Franck
Denmark, DANIDA
Niger, Ministère de l'hydraulique et de l'environnement
The legislation of five countries on environmental and natural management is examined and analyzed in terms of its effectiveness in addressing the major environmental issues existing in each country.
Boer, Ben
Pulea, Mere
Harding, Elizabeth
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
South Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP), Secretariat
Large areas previously occupied by Warsaw Pact forces have been vacated in Central and Eastern Europe after the political changes in 1989 and 1990. Many of these areas are potentially rich in natural resources and variety of habitats.
Overview of the findings of regional TRAFFIC studies in Europe, India, East and Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Oceania and North and South America.
Rose, Debra A.
TRAFFIC International
Center for Marine Conservation, US
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Shark Specialist Group
The findings from investigations of sturgeon fisheries, and information from caviar importers in consuming countries, sturgeon specialists and fisheries agencies are presented.
This publication gives an account of the challenges currently being faced by Lao PDR - an oasis of biodiversity richness nestled amid a group of countries whose biodiversity assets have been severly depleted as a result of economic and/or population pressures - as it struggles with the options be
The "1994 Red List of Threatened Animals" was a major advance on its predecessors in clarity of layout and amount of information presented. This is taken further in the 1996 edition, which is also the first global compilation to use the complete new IUCN red list category system.
"Collaborative management of protected areas" is a partnership by which various stakeholders agree on sharing among themselves the management functions, rights and responsibilities for a territory or a particular governmental agency staff - interested in pursuing the collaborative management opti
The key steps in the attempt to develop guidelines are covered. The introduction sets in context events so far. Part 1 includes the case studies which were used as a resource for drafting material for the assessment procedure and for examining the practicality of the draft guidelines.
Prescott-Allen, Robert
Prescott-Allen, Christine
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Specialist Group on Sustainable Use of Wild Species
Wetlands play a very important role in the lives of the people of Lao PDR. The majority of the population of 4.1 million live in the wetland rich Mekong basin and are dependent on wetlands for subsistence and income generation.
Claridge, Gordon
IUCN, Regional Co-ordination Office for South and Southeast Asia
IUCN, Wetlands Programme
UNEP, Environment Assessment Programme for Asia and the Pacific
Today, there is increasing recognition that traditional and indigenous knowledge systems can provide alternative strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, a realisation that is strongly reflected in the Convention on biological diversity.
With almost 5000 island and islets, the Mediterranean comprises one of the largest groups of islands in the world. With its wealth of species, high degree of endemism, long history and tolerance of all kinds of disruptions, it is of extremely high value to global biodiversity.
Delanoë, Olivia
Montmollin, Bertrand de
Olivier, Louis
bio conseils s.a.
Chicago Zoological Society, US
Conservatoire botanique national méditerranéen de Porquerolles
Institut des aménagements régionaux et de l'environnement
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Mediterranean Islands Plant Specialist Group
This action plan chronicles the threats faced by wild orchids, but more importantly to critical habitats that host extraordinarily high orchid diversity and endemicity.
Dumont, Vinciane
Hágsater, Eric
Pridgeon, Alec M.
Chicago Zoological Society, US
Foundation for the Conservation of Wild Orchids
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Orchid Specialist Group
This publication is aimed at helping IUCN's members to understand the scope and the mechanisms of debt conversion, and to spot opportunities for their own action in this important field.
Kaiser, Jürgen
Lambert, Alain
Swiss Coalition of Development Organizations, CH
EURODAD - European Network on Debt and Development
This is the only comprehensive guide to organizations in all parts of the world that are concerned with the urgent problems of the environment and natural resources. The fifth edition is completely revised. It describes more that 2,600 organizations in over 200 countries.
California Institute of Public Affairs, US
International Center for the Environment and Public Policy
The Convention on Biological Diversity is an historic commitment by the worlds nations to conserve biodiversity, to use biological resources sustainably and to share equitably the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.
The Convention on Biological Diversity is an historic commitment by the worlds nations to conserve biodiversity, to use biological resources sustainably and to share equitably the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.
This handbook was written for staff working in protected areas around the world (including parks, wilderness areas, resarch areas, and other types of protected landscapes) who encounter conflicts of all kinds.