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Publications advanced search

Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Format: 2024
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This list contains 26166 entry(ies).

Non IUCN Publication

Invertebrate fauna of Korea


Non IUCN Publication

Insect fauna of Korea


Non IUCN Publication

Journal of species research

The Journal of Species Research publishes peer-reviewed, original research papers, reviews, reports, and notes covering all aspects of taxonomy and biological diversity of all kinds of organisms.


Non IUCN Publication

Mammal News

Mammal News is the membership magazine of The Mammal Society, containing latest research news, way to engage and get involved with The Society and its work, and opportunities to meet and talk to other members. It is issued three times a year, in March, July and October.


Non IUCN Publication

In practice : bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

In Practice is CIEEM's in house quarterly magazine, addressing a wide variety of ecological and environmental issues. 


Non IUCN Publication

Zaštita prirode = Nature conservation [in Serbian]

Nature conservation has been published since 1949 and is the only of such type of journals in Serbia.


Non IUCN Publication


Vol. 15, no.3 (July-September 2014) is a special issue of MISTNET about vultures and the SOS-funded project "Conserving South Asia's Threatened Vultures," part of the SAVE program. 


Non IUCN Publication


Resources is the flagship magazine of Resources for the Future (RFF) and was first published in 1959. It highlights feature stories by RFF experts on a variety of environmental, energy, and natural resource issues, and news about ongoing research and public outreach efforts.


Non IUCN Publication

Rangzhin : RSPN quarterly newsletter


Non IUCN Publication

Asian biotechnology and development review

The Asian Biotechnology and Development Review (ABDR) aims at generating wider awareness of the issues involved and emerging developments in the area of biotechnology.


Non IUCN Publication

Cynthia : butlletí del Butterfly Monitoring Scheme a Catalunya = Cynthia : bulletin of the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme

Cynthia és una publicació anual que ofereix un resum de les dades més destacables de cada temporada i una sèrie de seccions per a donar a conèixer les diferents estacions de mostratge, els treballs científics que genera el CBMS, els elements més importants per identificar correctament le


Non IUCN Publication

Revista do Instituto Florestal

É um periódico científico interdisciplinar, de acesso livre, que publica trabalhos inéditos em Ciências Florestais e ciências afins, na forma de artigos científicos, notas científicas e artigos de revisão, redigidos em português, inglês ou espanhol, nas seguintes áreas temáticas:


Non IUCN Publication

Tropical resources : the bulletin of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute

Tropical Resources, an annual publication of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute, features the TRI-funded research of Masters and Doctoral students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. 


Non IUCN Publication

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India

The Journal publishes original contributions dealing with the following fields of investigations.


Non IUCN Publication

Terre sauvage

No.311 was a special issue devoted to the Red List of Threatened Species, coinciding with its fiftieth anniversary. 


Non IUCN Publication


DevISSues promotes ISS as a leading centre for development studies by publicizing 'state of the art' high quality information about research and teaching at ISS and stimulating debate on key and emerging development policy issues.


Non IUCN Publication

Journal of East African natural history : a journal of biodiversity

The Journal publishes papers and notes in the field of natural history, broadly defined as the study of organisms in their natural state, relevant to the eastern African region.

Non IUCN Publication

Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão


Non IUCN Publication

National park quarterly


Non IUCN Publication

University of Aden journal of natural & applied sciences


Non IUCN Publication

FAO aquaculture newsletter

FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN) is issued three times a year in the form of printed newsletter by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.


Non IUCN Publication

Magazine WWF


Non IUCN Publication

Nature New South Wales

Nature New South Wales is published quarterly, with news and features on nature conservation and national parks, by NPA Publications. 


Non IUCN Publication

International review of environmental and resource economics


IUCN Publication

Policy matters

Policy Matters is a peer reviewed journal published electronically and in print by IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP).


Non IUCN Publication

Samara : the international newsletter of the partners of the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership

Samara aims to provide information and inspiration for MBSP partners and a flavour of the successes of the Partnership for other interested recipients. 


Non IUCN Publication

Wild land news : magazine of the Scottish Wild Land Group

Wild Land News is published by the Scottish Wild Land Group, which is Scotland's oldest and only volunteer-run wild land charity and works to protect Scotland's species, environments and landscapes. 


Non IUCN Publication

Bonn zoological bulletin - supplementum


Non IUCN Publication

Acid news

Acid News is a newsletter from the Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat, the primary aim of which is to provide information on air pollution and its effects on health and the environment. 


Non IUCN Publication

Actualités des forêts tropicales

A newsletter from ITTO to promote the conservation and sustainable use of tropical forest resources


Non IUCN Publication

Le magazine Natagora

Le magazine Natagora est écrit dans un style accessible à tous et aborde de nombreux sujets relatifs à la nature qui nous entoure, en laissant une large place à la photographie et aux ambiances de la nature.


Non IUCN Publication



Non IUCN Publication

Danube watch

Danube Watch is the official magazine of the ICPDR. It enhances regional cooperation and information sharing on sustainable water management and environmental protection in the Danube River Basin.


IUCN Publication

Parks : the international journal of protected areas and conservation


Non IUCN Publication

Stockholm waterfront

Stockholm Waterfront is a quarterly magazine that aims to inform the global water debate and be a source of knowledge and inspiration for professionals worldwide with an interest in water issues. 


Non IUCN Publication

Ecosystems, energy, population


Non IUCN Publication

Protected areas of Georgia


Non IUCN Publication

Nature's home : the magazine of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)


Non IUCN Publication

International journal of agricultural sustainability


Non IUCN Publication

Chevron Upstream and Gas oil spill response planning guidance

This guidance document provides an overview of concepts important for understanding oil spill response planning and implementation for marine and coastal environments; however, much of the information can be applied to land-based operations as well.


Non IUCN Publication

Journal for nature conservation

The Journal for Nature Conservation is a scientific journal focusing on methods and techniques used in nature conservation. This international and interdisciplinary journal offers a forum for the communication of modern approaches to nature conservation.


Non IUCN Publication

Natural resources forum : a United Nations sustainable development journal

Natural Resources Forum delivers cutting edge research on policy issues relevant to the sustainable development agenda. 


Non IUCN Publication

WAZA magazine


Non IUCN Publication

Journal of environmental economics and management


Non IUCN Publication

FAO fisheries and aquaculture report


Non IUCN Publication

Diver/loon specialist group newsletter


Non IUCN Publication

Resurgence : at the heart of earth, art and spirit


Non IUCN Publication


