This list contains 26199 entry(ies).
- Giovannucci, Daniele
- Scherr, Sara J.
- Nierenberg, Danielle
- Hebebrand, Charlotte
- Shapiro, Julie
- Milder, Jeffrey
- Wheeler, Keith
- United Nations, Department for Economic and Social Affairs, Division of Sustainable Development
This Handbook for Local Government Leaders provides mayors, governors, councillors and others with a generic framework for risk reduction and points to good practices and tools that are already being applied in different cities for that purpose.
- United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
- Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR)
The aim of the present report is to examine the changing context within which the reptile skin trade has existed (where we came from), the extent of the current industry and its regulatory strengths and weaknesses (where we are now), and what the future can or should bring (where we go from
- Webb, Grahame J. W.
- Manolis, S. Charlie
- Jenkins, Robert
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
This paper illustrates the potential for developing sustainable environment management practices such as BioTrade in Latin America.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Secondo i criteri UICN il 43% degli Efemerotteri, il 40% dei Plecotteri e il 51% dei Tricotteri della Svizzera figurano nella Lista Rossa, il che corrisponde al 47% delle 499 specie dei tre gruppi di insetti acquatici con dati sufficienti; il 15% (71 specie) è inoltre potenzialmente minacciato.
- Knispel, Sandra
- Lubini, Verena
- Sartori, Michel
- Vincentini, Heinrich
- Wagner, André
- Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune, CH
- Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
43% des Ephémères, 40% des Plécoptères et 51% des Trichoptères de Suisse figurent dans les listes rouges selon les critères proposés par lUICN, soit au total 47% de lensemble des 499 espèces des trois groupes dinsectes aquatiques pour lesquels des données suffisantes sont disponibles.
- Knispel, Sandra
- Lubini, Verena
- Sartori, Michel
- Vincentini, Heinrich
- Wagner, André
- Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune, CH
- Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
Gemäss den IUCN-Kriterien stehen 43% der Eintagsfliegen, 40% der Steinfliegen und 51% der Köcherfliegen der Schweiz auf den Roten Listen.
- Knispel, Sandra
- Lubini, Verena
- Sartori, Michel
- Vincentini, Heinrich
- Wagner, André
- Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune, CH
- Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
La liste rouge 2011 des characées (Characeae) est la première liste de macroalgues me-nacées publiée en Suisse. Sur les 25 espèces recensées à ce jour sur le territoire helvétique, 23 ont été classées par catégorie selon les critères de menace de lUICN.
- Auderset Joye, Dominique
- Schwarzer, Arno
- Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
- Université de Genève, Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire d'écologie et de biologie aquatique, CH
Es ist die Erstausgabe der Roten Liste der gefährdeten Armleuchteralgen (Characeae) in der Schweiz. Darin sind alle bisher in der Schweiz festgestellten Characeenarten mit dem entsprechenden Gefährdungsgrad aufgrund der IUCN-Kriterien aufgeführt.
- Auderset Joye, Dominique
- Schwarzer, Arno
- Switzerland, Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV)
- Université de Genève, Faculté des Sciences, Laboratoire d'écologie et de biologie aquatique, CH
This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how peacekeeping operations affect and are affected by natural resources and environmental conditions. The report is divided into two main parts.
- Global Witness, UK
- International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), CA
- Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI), SE
- United Nations, Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO)
- United Nations, Department of Field Support (DFS)
El libro está organizado en dos secciones principales: en la primera se presentan los capítulos introducción, metodología, diversidad de vertebrados cubanos y sus amenazas de extinción, regiones cubanas y su diversidad de vertebrados, listas previas de vertebrados cubanos amenazados, y un análisi
- González Alonso, Hiram
- Mancina, Carlos A.
- Ramos García, Ignacio
- Rodríguez Schettino, Lourdes
- Rodríguez, Ariel
- Cuba, Ministerio de ciencia, tecnologia, y medio ambiente, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática
This document discusses the need to balance short-term water productivity gains in particular in agriculture - with the long-term role that water flows provide for maintaining sustainable landscape ecosystem services (ESS), and serving multiple benefits to human well-being.
- Keys, P.
- Barron, J.
- Lannerstad, M.
- Stockholm Environment Institute, SE
- World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)
The 2012 UNEP Year Book spotlights two emerging issues that underline the challenges but also the choices nations need to consider to deliver a sustainable 21st century urgently improved management of the worlds soils and the decommissioning of nuclear reactors.
- Tress, Johannes
- Biedermann, Martin
- Geiger, Hartmut
- Prüger, Julia
- Schorcht, Wigbert
- Tress, Christoph
- Welsch, Klaus-Peter
- Germany, Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie
- IUCN, Global Economics Programme
- IUCN, Oceania Regional Office (ORO)
- Environment Frontier Consultancy Services
This preliminary report describes the highlights of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, which took place in September 2012 in Jeju, Korea.
- Korea, Republic of, Ministry of Environment
- Korea, Republic of, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
- Institut Veolia Environnement
- IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
- IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
- IUCN Commission on Environmental Law (CEL)
- IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
The objective of this report is to provide an overview of alternative macroeconomic indicators of economic progress and sustainable development, focusing in particular on efforts to incorporate environmental and natural resource measurements that are not typically included in traditional measures
- Evans, Samuel
- Underwood, Anthony
- Seidl, Andrew
This Strategy aims to encourage transformational and demonstrable change at the company and sectoral level in how biodiversity is valued and managed by businesses in order to conserve and restore biodiversity and to ensure that biodiversity benefits are shared equitably.
- IUCN, Business and Biodiversity Programme
This document focuses on summarizing the different threats to long term objectives and proposing activities to address these threats. It constitutes a management and action plan for the period from January 2013 until December 2017.
- ANA Sales, JP
- Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center (OECC), JP
Increasing incidence and intensity of natural disasters and climate change are having over-arching impacts on the environment. Sustainable development is being undermined. Ecological services and their indirect economic values are frequently omitted from assessments.
- IUCN Sri Lanka
- FAO, Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME)
- Mangroves for the Future
- National Institute of Education, LK
Drawing on a cross-section of 43 case studies prepared specially for this book, WaterWealth explains the challenges to improving water governance and management across Asia and the Pacific region.
- Das, Binayak
- Lincklaen Arriëns, Wouter
- Makin, Ian
- Pangare, Ganesh
- Academic Foundation, IN
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
- Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO)
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
Learn about two places in Peru where communities are using traditional knowledge to adapt to climate change.
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
- Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, PE
- Spain, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
- Mountain Institute
Learn about the use of traditional knowledge in two places in Bolivia.
- IUCN, Regional Office for South America
- Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental, PE
- Spain, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
- Agronomes et vétérinaires sans frontières, FR
This report summarizes the conservation status of 167 freshwater fishes, 166 land snails and 157 reptiles native to the Pacific Islands of Oceania (Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia).
- France, Fonds de Coopération économique, sociale et culturelle pour le Pacifique (Fonds Pacifique)
- IUCN, Oceania Regional Office (ORO)
- IUCN, Species Programme
The Arabian Peninsula contains a diversity of desert and mountain habitats. Reptile species richness is high, with 172 species currently recognized. Among these, 89 species (52%) are endemic to the Arabian Peninsula.
- Bowles, Philip
- Cox, Neil
- Els, Johannes
- Mallon, David P.
- Tognelli, Marcelo F.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- United Arab Emirates, Environment and Protected Areas Authority of Sharjah
- United Arab Emirates, Environment and Protected Areas Authority of Sharjah, Breeding Centre for Endangered Arabian Wildlife
To address the lack of sufficent knowledge on wetland biodiversity in Tanguar Haor, a comprehensive survey on biodiversity was conducted to understand the present status, habitat classification, population density and diversity of wildlife.
- Ahmad, Ishtiaq Uddin
- Sarowar Alam, A. B. M.
- Chowdhury, Mohammad Shahad Mahabub
- Rahman, Aminur
- Sobhan, Istiak
- Uddin, Sardar Nasir
- IUCN, Regional Protected Areas Programme, Western Africa
- Agence Française de Développement, FR
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
IUCN members adopted some 183 Resolutions and Recommendations at the Members Business Assembly of the 5th World Conservation Congress.
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
The Members Assembly allows Members to contribute to the governance issues of the Union. During the Assembly, Members heard Commission reports, approved IUCNs programme of work for the next four years, and voted on Resolutions and Recommendations.
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
- Aveling, Conrad
- Cox, Debby
- Maldonado, Oscar
- Merlo, Dario
- Nishuli, Radar
- Nixon, Stuart
- Pintea, Lilian
- Williamson, Elizabeth A.
- Congo, Democratic Republic of, Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism
- Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature, CG
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
- Jane Goodall Institute
In 2011, the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) convened conservation partners to develop a conservation action plan for great apes in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with financial support from the Arcus Foundation.
- Aveling, Conrad
- Cox, Debby
- Maldonado, Oscar
- Merlo, Dario
- Nishuli, Radar
- Nixon, Stuart
- Pintea, Lilian
- Williamson, Elizabeth A.
- Congo, Democratic Republic of, Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism
- Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature, CG
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
- Jane Goodall Institute
Cette publication fournit aux gestionnaires daires protégées terrestres, marines et deau douce des orientations quant à la restauration de leurs valeurs naturelles et autres, aussi bien au niveau du système que du site.
- Cairns, Stephanie
- Dudley, Nigel
- Hall, Carol
- Keeneleyside, Karen
- Stolton, Sue
- Canada, Parks Canada
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Secretariat
- IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
- Society for Ecological Restoration International, US
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
The IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria were developed for classifying species at high risk of global extinction, i.e. for assessment at the global level.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
This publication provides an overview of the worlds shared water resources and insights for managing these resources.
- Bergkamp, Ger
- Greiber, Thomas
- Sadoff, Claudia
- Smith, Mark
- IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative (WANI)
Le présent document contient le Programme de lUICN 2013-2016, approuvé par le Conseil en février 2012 et fruit de très larges consultations, en 2011, avec les Membres et composantes de lUICN.
Este documento presenta el Programa de la UICN 2013-2016, aprobado por el Consejo en febrero de 2012, luego de extensas consultas con los Miembros y otros componentes de la UICN en 2011.
This document presents the IUCN Programme 2013–2016, as endorsed by Council in February 2012, following extensive consultations with the Members and components of IUCN during 2011.
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
This report presents the highlights of IUCN Commission for Education and Communication (CEC) activities in 2012. The Commission engaged in initiatives supporting the IUCN One Programme, with an emphasis on building skills and raising awareness.
- IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
This publication shares IUCN's experiences in developing the world's first gender-responsive national strategies and roadmaps on climate change.
- IUCN, Gender and Environment
- Global Gender and Climate Alliance