Resumen del Plan para la erradicación de seis especies de mamíferos introducidos en la Isla del Coco. Contiene además, lineamientos generales de una estrategia permanente para el manejo de especies introducidas.
Costa Rica, Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Costa Rica, Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservación (SINAC)
The main objective of this report is to provide hydrological inputs that include inflow and outflow routes of water, identification of various rivers, beels and khals functioning within the Hakaluki haor region, current hydrological and hydraulic characteristics, soil characteristics of the area
IUCN Bangladesh has undertaken this initiative in association with Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) under the Sustainable Environment Management Programme (SEMP) in the Madhumati Floodplain. Under this project one of the interventions is to promote alternative livelihood options.
The overall objective of the project was to improve environmental quality of the degraded canals/beels/rivers to allow for proper functioning of migratory routes for fish and other organisms, to increase the crop production by facilitating irrigation and thereby effect socio-economic uplift of th
This aim of this report was to show how restoration activities in some degraded and silted wetlands, identified by the community people enhanced fish populations and aquatic habitats, increased agricultural production by ensuring adequate irrigation facilities, facilitated fish migration, and inc
Through this study undertaken in the in the Modhumoti floodplain area, an attempt has been made to learn about the volume of snail harvesting, trends, marketing channels and the overall snail trade cycle.
Problem Census (PCs) and Planning Workshops (PWs) are used to examine the diverse contrasting perspectives of beneficiary groups in regard to their socio-economic and political conditions.
The purpose of the reports is to; a) improve the existing, and develop new income generating opportunities with local communities; b) improve existing, and develop ways to manage (use, protect, enhance) natural resources; c) facilitate, train and strengthen existing institutions; d) promote and u
The loss of plants from floodplain ecosystems have resulted in further degradation of other ecological functions. To stop and reverse this trend, massive plantation programmes were carried out at three floodplain sites: Padma-Jamuna, Brahmaputra-Shitalakshya and Madhumati Floodplain.
Wetlands in Bangladesh are going through a difficult phase caused by exponential degradation and destruction of these ecosystems and dwindling of their valuable resources. Plant resources are more vulnerable due to over-harvesting and unwise exploitation.
This book primarily based on observation made during field trips to different haors and floodplains in the SEMP project areas by plant experts, IUCNB staff and partner NGOs. Experience and ideas of the local communities of these wetlands were also considered while preparing the manuscript.
The participatory land-use survey report is a major baseline activity of the Community Base Haor Resource Management Project. The survey was done in Pagnar and Sanuar-Dakuar haors.
The present report compiles the awareness raising initiatives take under the Community Based Floodplain Resource Management Project, a component of the SEMP.
This report aims to provide proper guidelines and mechanisms for communities, to enable them to manage and sustain the current positive trends into the future.
This approach for project piloting also considered sustainability issues for each and every individual activity through participation of Community Based Organizations formed under the project.
The present report compiles the awareness raising initiatives taken under the Community Based Haor Resource Management project, a component of the SEMP.
In this report, focus has been given to a range of related themes. It examines the household situation with regard to accessing different types of food, and sheds light on inequality pervading the households, perceived in terms of their control over resources such as land or food.
The present publication registers a brief delineation of actions fielded for wetlands resource management with the local communities under the SEMP components till June 2005. In some case the reporting time vary which is duly mentioned.
Overall objectives of the report as outlined in the Program Support Document (PSD) are to improve environmental quality of the country coupled with sustainable development, poverty alleviation and capacity building for better environmental management.
This film is based on Managing the world by Maria Clara van der Hammen. It looks at indigenous peoples of the Amazon forest in Colombia, and how their lives are affected by their changing myths. Produced in collaboration with The Netherlands Committee of IUCN
El presente libro recoge las ponencias presentadas en el Primer Simposio "Mujeres Indígenas en los Escenarios de la Biodiversidad", algunas como transcripciones del Simposio y otras como artículos escritos por las ponentes.
Escobar, Elsa Matilda
Escobar, Pía
Pazmiño, Aracely
Ulloa, Astrid
IUCN, Regional Office for South America
Fundación Natura de Colombia, CO
Colombia, Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia
Resume las principales características y experiencias de la participación de la sociedad en la gestión de las áreas protegidas en Nicaragua, así como su marco legal e institucional.
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Nicaragua, Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Resume las principales características y experiencias de participación de la sociedad civil en la gestión de las áreas naturales protegidas; incluye además, el marco insitucional y legal en El Salvador.
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
El Salvador, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
This report Gaining public acceptance is one of the four products of the dialogue on dams and development Phase II facilitated by IUCN Nepal since 2002 and participated in by government institutions, national and international non-governmental organizations, academicians, private compani
Shrestha, Sugam
Singh, Anju
Singh, D. B.
Development Based Services Consultancy
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Propuesta para iniciar un diálogo entre usuarios del agua, interesados en la determinación preliminar del caudal de agua del Río Tempisque, de manera que sea el apropiado para mantener las poblaciones bióticas viables y a un nivel tal que mantengan procesos ecológicos que aseguren el nivel de bi
Lake Naivasha is a rare example of a designated Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Site) where the mandate to manage the site resides with the local community. Community members led the effort to seek designation for the site and develop a management plan.
The Comprehensive Options Assessment for Electricity Sector in Nepal analyzes the demand and supply scenario of electricity, water resources policies, environmental concerns of funding agencies, and the comprehensive options assessment in relation to different guidelines.
Pokharel, J. C.
IUCN Nepal
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, US
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Reflexiones sobre el estado de la política forestal a nivel regional y nacional. Contiene además una serie de propuestas y acciones prácticas para trabajar en el gran desafío de asegurar la sostenibilidad ambiental en los países centroamericanos.
Rodríguez Quirós, Jorge Eduardo
Hernández, Gabriela
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Comisión Centroaméricana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD)
Constituye una recopilación preliminar de información sobre los recursos hídricos de la zona Sur de Ahuachapán: registros históricos y recientes sobre las características de las cuencas y drenajes, calidad de agua, usuarios de agua para riego y consumo humano.