This list contains 26216 entry(ies).
- Barrow, Edmund G. C.
- Gichohi, Helen
- Infield, Mark
- IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Programme
- IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
- IUCN, Eastern Africa Programme
- Aslam, Talat
- Sattar, Nikhat
This compilation brings together current information on the status of Asian freshwater cetacean populations, the factors that have caused their recent declines, and what can be done to improve their chances for survival.
- Reeves, Randall R.
- Smith, Brian D.
- Kasuya, Toshio
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- Oman, Sir Peter Scott IUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund
- Chicago Zoological Society, US
- Taiwan, Council of Agriculture
- WWF International
- United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
- Center for Marine Conservation, US
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
- Ocean Park Conservation Foundation
One threat to parrot arises from their attractiveness as "talking" companions to humans, leading to a high demand for trade that involves hundreds of thousands of birds annually on a global basis, and gives parrots a high monetary value.
- Snyder, Noel
- McGowan, Philip J. K.
- Gilardi, James
- Grajal, Alejandro
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
- Oman, Sir Peter Scott IUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund
- Chicago Zoological Society, US
- Taiwan, Council of Agriculture
- WWF International
- United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
- Center for Marine Conservation, US
- World Parrot Trust
The family Cracidae is made up of 50 species of guans, curassows and chachalacas - large gregarious game birds, many of which have striking colours. They are important as seed dispersers, biological indicators of the environment, a major protein source for indigenous people, and for ecotourism.
- Brooks, Daniel M.
- González-Garcá, Fernando
- Pereira, Sergio Luiz
- Strahl, Stuart D.
- Center for Marine Conservation, US
- Chicago Zoological Society, US
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Cracid Specialist Group
- Oman, Sir Peter Scott IUCN/SSC Action Plan Fund
- Taiwan, Council of Agriculture
- United Kingdom, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
- WWF International
Les plaines d'inondation des grands fleuves de la zone sahélienne d'Afrique de l'Ouest sont des écosystèmes humides dotés d'une productivité exceptionnelle comparée à celle des habitats arides et semi-arides environnants.
- Groupe d'experts des plaines d'inondation sahéliennes
- IUCN, Regional Office for Western Africa
An overview of the relationship between trade liberalisation under the WTO and the requirements of sustainable fisheries management. This document provides a helpful reference for use in trade and environment issues.
This source book contains 15 chapters on diverse topics, ranging from components of the natural environment to efforts in environmental management.
- Pande, Badri Dev
- Maharjan, Sharada D.
- Shakya, Vidyadhar
- Karki, Uddhab
- IUCN Nepal
- Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
- IUCN, World Conservation Congress
Vol. 1 (Northern hemisphere)
Vol. 2 (South America)
Vol.3 (Central and South America)
Vol.4 (South and South East Asia)
Vol.5 (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines)
Vol.6 (Africa)
Vol.7 (Australia, Papua New Guinea)
- IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
The Vision for Water and Nature is the "environment and ecosystems" component of the World Water Vision exercise of the World Water Council.
This compilation contains all key documents produced during the development of the Vision for Water and Nature, the environment and ecosystems componant of the Vision for Water, Life and the Environment for the 21st Century, generally known as the World Water Vision.
- IUCN Pakistan
- IUCN, Asia Regional Office (ARO)
- IUCN, Asia Regional Office (ARO)
- Madrigal Cordero, Patricia
- Solís Rivera, Vivienne
- Ayales Cruz, Ivannia
- Torres Galarza, Ramón
- Arrivillaga Cortès, Alfonso
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
- Gleich, Michael
- Maxeiner, Dirk
- Miersch, Michael
- Nicolay, Fabian
- WWF International
- Aventis
- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar Convention Bureau
- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Ramsar Convention Bureau
A new millenium is a fine opportunity to reflect on humanity's relationship with the rest of life on Earth - its biodiversity. Are natural ecosystems and species essential to our own success? And are we destroying them? The answers lie within this unique volume.
- Groombridge, Brian
- Jenkins, Martin
Biodiversity is increasingly regarded as a resource for rural development and organic agriculture as a production and marketing method that ensures a more productive future for our species and life-support systems.
- International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements
- WWF International
- Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica, IT
Esta publicación nos introduce en la relación ancestral entre comunidades y bosques en Mesoamérica. Nos explica cómo esa relación se ha visto afectada por procesos de desarrollo incongruentes con la gestión ambiental y la equidad social.
- McCarthy, Ronald
- Chaves, Antonio
- Salas, Alberto
- Baltazar, Bárbara
- Hernández, Gabriela
- Villegas, Florangel
- IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
- IUCN, Working Group on Community Involvement in Forest Management
- Unión Nacional de Organizaciones de Forestería Comunal (UNOFOC)
- Coordinadora Indígena y Campesina de Agroforestería Comunitaria Centroamericana
- Ford Foundation, US
- United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
This regional session of the GBF brought together over 120 participants from 22 countries, ranging from indigenous comunity representatives to members of intergovernmental organisations.
- IUCN, Asia Regional Biodiversity Programme
- Sri Lanka, Ministry of Forestry and Environment
- National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency
- WWF-India
- Yayasan KEHATI
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), ID
- Vietnam, National Environment Agency
- Philippines, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Plant genetic resources are crucial for world agriculture, food security and the global economy. They are vital for the pharmaceutical industry and are important assests for developing countries rich in biodiversity.
- Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
Steve Jones takes on the challenge of going back to the book of the millennium, Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species. Before The Origin, biology was a set of unconnected facts.
- WWF International
The idea of the Native American living in perfect harmony with nature is one of the most cherished contemporary myths. But how truthful is this larger-than-life image?
- Eide, Ingrid
- O'Riordan, Brian
- Odour, Booker
- IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
- Norway, NORAD
- Peebles, Douglas
- TenBruggencate, Jan
- University of British Columbia, Centre for Southeast Asia Research, CA
- Aune, Jens
- Oygard, Ragnar
- Vedeld, Trond
- International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO)
This guidebook presents an innovative and thoroughly tested model for organizational self-assessment. The tools and tips in this volume go beyond measuring the impact of programs, products, and services.
- Lusthaus, Charles
- Adrien, Marie-Hélène
- Anderson, Gary
- Carden, Fred
- Peru, [Government]
- Peru, Fondo Nacional para Areas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado, PROFONANPE
- Peru, Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA)
- Peru, Ambajada Real de los Paises Bajos
This document reflects the main ideas of a joint production by the two Technical Co-operation projects "Implementation of the Biodiversity Convention" (BIODIV) and the "Tropical Ecology Support Programme" (TOEB), entitled "Tourism in Technical Co-operation." It addresses the planning and manageme
- United Nations, Commission on Sustainable Development
- Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
This consortium of five organizations is working to collect scientific evidence on wildlife and wildlife habitats. This report gives an overview of the findings, as presented to the Norwich Conference: Climate Change and Wildlife, in September 1999.
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK
- English Nature, UK
- Environmental Resources Management
- Marín Cabrera, Cipriano
- Gortázar, Luis
- Unesco, Insula
- Spain, Government of Canary Islands
Los programas de manejo permiten planificar el conjunto de acciones, decisiones y estrategias tendientes a combinar las funciones de conservación, investigación y desarrollo económico de la región.
- Mexico, Instituto Nacional de Ecología
Based on the book "People, plants, and justice: the politics of nature conservation".
- FAO, Investment Centre
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IT