Este Manual de referencia curricular “Voces de la Juventud”, desarrollado en el marco del Congreso Mundial de la Naturaleza de la UICN - Hawai'i 2016 para llegar a las nuevas generaciones, pretende infundir la naturaleza en las tareas de enseñanza y de aprendizaje para ayudar a (re)conectar a los
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
Ce Manuel de référence pédagogique « Voix de la jeunesse », développé dans le cadre du Congrès mondial de la nature de l’UICN – Hawai’i 2016 à l’attention des jeunes générations, vise à insuffler la nature dans les efforts d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, pour aider à (re)connecter les enfants
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
This Youth Voices Curriculum Sourcebook, developed as part of the IUCN World Conservation Congress Hawai'i 2016 to reach younger generations, aims to infuse nature into teaching and learning endeavors, to help (re)connect children and youth with nature, and to inspire their passion and action for
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
En el año 2015, el Consejo de Parques Canadienses (CPC) formó un grupo de trabajo ciudadano para desarrollar una guía de acción para conectar a los canadienses con la Naturaleza. Un año más tarde, el Libro de Juegos de Naturaleza fue lanzado con gran éxito.
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
En 2015, le Conseil canadien des parcs (CCP) a mis sur pied un groupe de travail formé de citoyens pour élaborer un guide d’action dans le but de rapprocher la population canadienne de la Nature.
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
In 2015, the Canadian Parks Council (CPC) formed a citizen working group to develop an action guide to connect Canadians with Nature. One year later, The Nature Playbook was launched to great acclaim.
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
The objective of the Our Common Dignity initiative has been to contribute towards building awareness of rights issues in World Heritage and heritage management, to promote ‘good practice’ approaches to rights and their enabling conditions, and to develop and recommend relevant tools and guideline
Cette étude met l'accent sur le potentiel actuel et futur de l'élevage pour réaliser une gestion durable et des résultats de l'économie verte provenant des parcours du monde.
Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are areas contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity. KBAs need to be managed to ensure environmental flows are sufficient to support these fragile freshwater ecosystems.
The aim of this study is to provide an overview of national legal instruments in all European Union Member States related to protection of the marine environment from plastic pollution, and to support upcoming European policy efforts such as the EU Strategy on Plastics, but also other future effo
En partenariat avec Bagrépôle, la Global Water Initiative a lancé en 2015 une étude pour évaluer les revenus agricoles des producteurs et les comparer avec des besoins familiaux (seuils de sécurité alimentaire et de pauvreté).
Bazin, Frédéric
Global Water Initiative (GWI)
IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development)
Institut de Recherches et d'Applications des Méthodes de Développement (IRAM), FR
El presente libro tiene como objetivo mostrar experiencias obtenidas en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú fruto de actividades dirigidas hacia la adaptación al cambio climático y la conservación de los páramos; actividades que, a su vez, han sido dirigidas principalmente hacia mujeres y con un enfoque de
With 48 threatened bird species, and the highest number of breeding endemic bird species (11) in mainland Southeast Asia, Viet Nam is a global conservation priority. Many of these threatened species are hunted unsustainably for wildlife trade.
The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions cooperate to protect human health and the environment from the negative effects of hazardous pollutants.
Gilligan, M.
Sabater, L.
Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm (BRS) Conventions, Secretariats
Despite increasing recognition of the importance of ecosystem-based approaches for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, implementation remains mostly underdeveloped worldwide. Lack of knowledge on the implementation process present an important barrier.
The Annie Sunbeam and Friends is a comic book to promote and share information on Life Below Water, SDG Goal #14. Illustrated by famed DC Comics artist Bernard Chang, the 12-page comic will help readers worldwide understand the importance of protecting life under water.
Horwitz, Debbie Margolis
Schneider, Jill
IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC)
Central Africa has been identified as one of the main sources of illegal ivory fueling unregulated domestic ivory trade throughout West and Central Africa and overseas destinations, especially Asia, in recent years.
En el presente documento se busca rescatar el aporte que las comunidades locales y los pueblos indígenas con sus saberes hacia la conservación y manejo de sus recursos naturales y a las diferentes modalidades de conservación adoptados.
In recent years, awareness has risen surrounding the crucial role of plants in providing ecosystem services and on their decline – they are one of the essential foundations of healthy ecosystems that we depend on. However, significant gaps in knowledge still remain.
Como nossas cidades continuam crescendo, não devemos abandonar a proteção de áreas naturais às pressões da urbanização, e sim defender esses lugares, e realmente tentar criar novos espaços para a natureza dentro do tecido urbano – inclusive dentro dos centros das cidades.
Trzyna, Thaddeus
Edmiston, Joseph T.
Hyman, Glen
McNeely, Jeffrey A.
da Cunha e Menezes, Pedro
Myrdal, Brett
Phillips, Adrian
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Urban Specialist Group
Forest landscape restoration (FLR) provides an opportunity to transform degraded lands into productive landscapes that yield numerous ecological, economic, and social benefits.
IUCN, Global Forest and Climate Change Programme
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, US
El presente documento se focaliza en el estudio de estas áreas protegidas para describir las condiciones de cada uno de los paisajes, enfatizando en los costos, beneficios económicos y los impactos sociales y culturales que representan para las poblaciones locales.
This report provides an overview of the conservation status of chondrichthyans (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) in the Arabian Seas Region (ASR) and describes the results of a regional Red List workshop held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in February 2017.
Jabado, Rima W.
Kyne, Peter M.
Pollom, Riley A.
Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi, AE
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Shark Specialist Group
This field guide provides information on marine turtles in the Maldives. Marine turtles live permanently in a saltwater environment. Unlike tortoises, marine turtles have a streamlined shell and flippers that allow them to swim quickly, but this is not enough to survive in saltwater.
En Los guardianes del bosque amazónica se busca rescatar el aporte que las comunidades locales y los pueblos indígenas con sus saberes hacia la conservación y manejo de sus recursos naturales y a las diferentes modalidades de conservación adoptados.
To gain a better understanding of the presence and potential sources of Southern Bluefish Tuna traded and/or consumed in mainland China, desk-based research and a market survey “snapshot” were carried out.
A workshop was held in Cambridge between March 20-22, 2017, to bring together the PiN team and the Global Species Programme (GSP) and TRAFFIC to discuss the inclusion of data from PiN landscape assessments within the Species Information Services (SIS), building on discussions held over the last f
Darwall, W.R.T.
Davidson-Hunt, Iain J. (Iain Johnson)
Deutsch, Nathan
Hilton-Taylor, Craig
Meijer, Seline S.
Oldfield, Thomasina
Olsen, Nathalie
Smith, Kevin
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Providing a comprehensive account of marine conservation, this book examines human use and abuse of the world's seas and oceans and their marine life, and the various approaches to management and conservation.
La investigación-acción de equidad y REDD+ realizada en Perú apuntó a responder las siguientes preguntas:1. Qué significa «equidad» y cómo se relaciona con las iniciativas de conservación y manejo sostenible de los bosques vinculadas al cambio climático, como REDD+?; 2.