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Publications advanced search

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Format: 2025
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This list contains 8 entry(ies).

IUCN Publication

Speaking a common language : the uses and performances of the IUCN system of management categories for protected areas (Russian edition)

The system of protected area management categories lies at the centre of IUCN's work and its mission; their effective use is of fundamental concern to the Union and its members.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Forests and protected areas : guidance on the use of the IUCN protected area management categories

Protected areas are the cornerstone of virtually all national and international conservation policies. About 10% of the world's forests are to be found in protected areas, and Forest Protected Areas make a critical contribution to conservation.



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Speaking a common language : an investigation into the uses and performance of the IUCN system of management categories of protected areas. Final draft report



Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

Speaking a common language : the uses and performances of the IUCN system of management categories for protected areas

The system of protected area management categories lies at the centre of IUCN's work and its mission; their effective use is of fundamental concern to the Union and its members.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Ekonomicheskaya tsennost okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriy : posobie dlya rukovoditeley okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriy

This guide illustrates the potential for using valuation as a tool for diversifying the funding structure for protected areas and for providing information about stakeholders which is crucial for effective management.


Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

Speaking a common language : an assessment of the IUCN categories of protected areas carried out for the World Commission on Protected Areas



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Sustainable tourism in protected areas : guidelines for planning and management (Japanese version)

The link between protected areas and tourism is as old as the history of protected areas. Though the relationship is complex and sometimes adversarial, tourism is always a critical component to consider in the establishment and management of protected areas.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Economic values of protected areas : guidelines for protected area managers

This guide illustrates the potential for using valuation as a tool for diversifying the funding structure for protected areas and for providing information about stakeholders which is crucial for effective management.


Publication Year: