Tabe’a III addresses the status and trends in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in the Arab region during the period from 2015 to 2019.
The World Heritage thematic study for Central Asia has been produced as a contribution to supporting the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Central Asia.
Lethier, Hervé
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
The Himalaya proper is commonly defined as the rugged arc between the Tibetan Plateau and the Ganges Plain stretching from the Indus River in the northwest to the great bend of the Brahmaputra River (Yarlung Tsangpo) in the east. The natural and cultural wealth of the HKH region is as overwhelmin
Jaeger, Tilman
IUCN, World Heritage Programme
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), NP
IUCN World Heritage Outlook 3 builds on three cycles of Conservation Outlook Assessments undertaken since 2014. It presents the main results for 2020, but also some longer-term trends based on a comparison of three data sets now available.
The World Heritage thematic study for Central Asia has been produced as a contribution to supporting the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Central Asia.
Lethier, Hervé
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECARO)
This independent technical review assesses the "Strategic environmental assessment report for the proposed Rufiji hydropower project", dated April 2019, that relates to the planned Rufiji River Hydropower Project (RRHP).
Volcanoes are true wonders of the planet; they are central to the formation, evolution and sustenance of biological systems; they form some of our deepest and most significant cultural attachments to the land; and they attract large numbers of visitors for their aesthetic appeal.
This rapid technical review assesses the “Updated Environmental Impact Assessment Report for 2100 MW Power Generation from the Rufiji Hydropower Project in Selous Game Reserve, Pwani and Morogoro regions, Tanzania” of 18 October 2018 that relates to a planned hydropower project to be built at Sti
Los sitios naturales de Patrimonio Mundial se reconocen internacionalmente por representar la principal prioridad mundial para la conservación de la naturaleza. Incluyen lugares como el Serengeti, la Gran Barrera de Coral y las Islas Galápagos.
Les sites naturels du patrimoine mondial sont internationalement reconnus comme étant en tête des priorités pour la préservation de la planète et incluent des lieux emblématiques tels que le Serengeti, la Grande Barrière et les îles Galápagos.
Конвенция об охране всемирного культурного и природного наследия, принятая ЮНЕСКО в 1972 г., объединяет страны в их общем стремлении защитить объекты культурного и природного наследия, имеющие выдающееся значение для блага настоящих и будущих поколений.
This document presents the key results of the Our Common Dignity initiative on rights and World Heritage undertaken by the Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS and IUCN) under the coordination of ICOMOS Norway between 2011 and 2016.
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), IT
Tabe'a II is a second more detailed analysis of the Arab region's World Heritage Programme based on the baseline established in the first report from 2011, as well as of the progress achieved since then.
The 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention unites nations behind a shared commitment to preserve the world’s outstanding cultural and natural heritage for the benefit of present and future generations.
An Internationally Designated Area (IDA) is a natural area internationally recognised by a global or regional designation mechanism. Among these, there are 263 areas where different IDAs fully or partially overlap thus carrying double, triple or even quadruple international designations.
Clamote Rodrigues, Diana
Schaaf, Thomas
IUCN, World Heritage Programme
Korea, Republic of, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
An Internationally Designated Area (IDA) is a natural area internationally recognised by a global or regional designation mechanism. Among these, there are 263 areas where different IDAs fully or partially overlap thus carrying double, triple or even quadruple international designations.
Clamote Rodrigues, Diana
Schaaf, Thomas
IUCN, World Heritage Programme
Korea, Republic of, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Tabe'a II is a second more detailed analysis of the Arab region's World Heritage Programme based on the baseline established in the first report from 2011, as well as of the progress achieved since then.
Natural World Heritage sites are internationally recognized as having the highest global conservation significance and include iconic places such as the Serengeti, Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands.
Natural World Heritage sites are internationally recognized as having the highest global conservation significance and include iconic places such as the Serengeti, Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands.
This study identifies and assesses the diversity of ecosystem services, and in turn the benefits that World Heritage sites can deliver to society and the economy through direct and indirect use or through inherent 'non-use' values.
Natural World Heritage sites are internationally recognized as having the highest global conservation significance and include iconic places such as the Serengeti, Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands.
La Lista de Patrimonio Mundial incluye 156 sitios que explícitamente son reconocidos por sus excepcionales valores en biodiversidad, y representan todos los principales ecosistemas del mundo.
Ali, Mariam Kenza
Badman, Tim
Bertzky, Bastian
Engels, B.
Hughes, A.
Shi, Yichuan
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.
The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.
L’étude thématique sur le patrimoine mondial marin a été rédigée dans le but d’apporter des orientations aux États parties et aux praticiens de la conservation sur les meilleurs moyens d’appliquer la Convention du patrimoine mondial dans les océans et dans les mers.
The marine World Heritage thematic study was written to provide guidance to States Parties and conservation practitioners on how to best apply the World Heritage Convention in the oceans and seas.
L'objectif de la présente étude est d'examiner, de clarifier, et de renforcer l'application et l'évaluation du critère (vii -- ontenir des phénomènes naturels remarquables ou des aires d'une beauté naturelle et d'une importance esthétique exceptionnelles) afin d'améliorer le conseil apporté aux É
The purpose of this study is to review, clarify and strengthen the application and assessment of criterion (vii -- contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance) in order to improve advice to States Parties in the nomination process and enha
La Liste du patrimoine mondial compte 156 explicitement reconnus pour leurs valeurs exceptionnelles du point de vue de la biodiversité. Ensemble, ils représentent les principaux écosystèmes de la planète.
Ali, Mariam Kenza
Badman, Tim
Bertzky, Bastian
Engels, B.
Hughes, A.
Shi, Yichuan
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
The World Heritage List includes 156 properties explicitly recognized for their outstanding biodiversity values, which together represent the worlds major ecosystems.
Ali, Mariam Kenza
Badman, Tim
Bertzky, Bastian
Engels, B.
Hughes, A.
Shi, Yichuan
Fondation MAVA pour la nature
Germany, Bundesamt für Naturschutz
Germany, Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
At a crucial time of rapid socio-economic change, nature and World Heritage in the Arab States provides an assessment of World Heritage in the Arab States region.
At a crucial time of rapid socio-economic change, ature and World Heritage in the Arab States provides an assessment of World Heritage in the Arab States region.