La entrada en vigor del Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Agricultura y la Alimentación marca el compromiso de la comunidad internacional con un acuerdo independiente dirigido a abordar tanto las necesidades mundiales de seguridad alimentaria como los objetivos acorda
This book provides a systematic analysis of the requirements of access law, both the CBD requirements and the basic requirements of enforceable legislation.
Marine resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) are under increasing pressure from human impacts, putting at risk biodiversity, ecosystem processes and function. There is a heightened focus on whether current arrangements and policies are adequate.
This paper contains a case study on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in the part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) that is located in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ).
Governance for sustainability is defined as the set of written and unwritten rules that link ecological citizenship with institutions and norms of governance. It is a complex topic because it addresses the three issues of globalization, democracy and sustainability.
This book (published in French) consists of nine articles written by environmental lawyers from the region, regrouped around three themes: Chapter I deals with convergences and divergences of national legal frameworks, and provides illustrations from a number of countries and subjects; Chapter
Lentrée en vigueur du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour lalimentation et lagriculture signale lengagement de la communauté mondiale à légard dun accord autonome qui a pour but daborder à la fois la nécessité dassurer la sécurité alimentaire au niveau mondial et
This book provides a systematic analysis of the requirements of access law, both the CBD requirements and the basic requirements of enforceable legislation.
La publicación "Prácticas ancestrales y derecho de aguas: de la tensión a la coexistencia", es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación dirigido por el Centro de Derecho Ambiental de UICN en colaboración con la Comisión de Derecho Ambiental.
Rovere, Marta Brunilda
Iza, Alejandro
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
Spain, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)
Este es un estudio comparado de los regímenes de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) de ciertos países de América del Sur (Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador y Perú).
Astorga Jorquera, Eduardo
Soto Oyarzún, Lorenzo
Iza, Alejandro
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
Current discussions over the Certificate of Origin, Source and Legal Provenance include the legal and practical implications associated with tracking the flow of genetic resources.
Lapeña, Isabel
Ruiz Muller, Manuel
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
Fewer than 11% of CBD Parties have adopted substantive ABS law, and nearly all of these are developing countries, focusing almost entirely on the access side of the equation. Most of the CBDs specific ABS obligations, however, relate to the other side of the equation benefit sharing.
This book provides a systematic analysis of the requirements of access law, both the CBD requirements and the basic requirements of enforceable legislation.
This volume, the proceedings of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law 2004 Nairobi Colloquium, surveys global experience in implementing land use policies along the sustainable development continuum.
Los glaciares son ecosistemas de fundamental importancia que se encuentran en constante declinación. Para revertir este problema es necesario diseñar y adoptar mecanismos para su adecuada gestión y conservación.
Central America is a region that shares ecosystems, river basins, and protected areas. The development of projects, plans or activities likely to produce transboundary impacts need to be appropriately considered, and an EIA process established and anchored in regional policies and legislation.
Aguilar Rojas, Grethel
Iza, Alejandro
Cedeño, Marianela
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
El Centro de Derecho Ambiental y la Oficina Regional de UICN para Mesoamérica presentan el libro Gobernanza de aguas compartidas: aspectos jurídicos e institucionales, el cual es un esfuerzo conjunto que recoge los aportes del diálogo sobre gobernanza de cuencas compartidas celebrado en Ciudad de
Aguilar Rojas, Grethel
Iza, Alejandro
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Regional Office for Meso-America
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
The African Convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources was adopted in 1968 in Algiers. Considered the most forward looking regional agreement of the time, it influenced significantly the development of environmental law in Africa.
Judges play a critical role in the development, enforcement and compliance with environmental law. To showcase the role of the judiciary in upholding the rule of law, IUCN organized a Judiciary Day at its 2004 World Conservation Congress in Bangkok.
Among the various innovative instruments linked to the Kyoto Protocol is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which offers developed countries a chance to offset some of their greenhouse gas emissions by funding development projects in areas such as renewable energy and forestry.
Manguiat, Maria Socorro Z.
Verheyen, Roda
Mackensen, Jens
Scholz, Gerald
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
This volume is a companion to The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development. Here the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law assembles for the first time a volume of legal instruments which can be recognized as constituting the core of the law of energy for sustainable development.
The research focus for the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law in 2003 was a timely and challenging one, entitled 'The Law of Energy for Sustainable Development'. As contemporary world politics demonstrates, energy resources and generation are crucial issues facing the international community.
The entry into force of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture marks the commitment of the world community to a freestanding convention directed at addressing both global needs for food security and internationally agreed objectives regarding the concepts of
Pretende ser guía en temas de derecho ambiental, así también para la educación superior y la formación de ciudadanos y tomadores de decisiones, en el ámbito del desarrollo sostenible.
An analysis is provided of the most relevant provisions on freshwater ecosystems conservation, present in international treaties, and bilateral and multilateral agreements relating to rivers and lakes. Included also an analysis of relevant European Union legislation.
The African Convention on the conservation of nature and natural resources was adopted in 1968 in Algiers. Considered the most forward looking regional agreement of the time, it influenced significantly the development of environmental law in Africa.
The book aims to address the lack of information on the experiences of others by providing a comparative analysis of national access and benefit-sharing laws and policies in the 41 Pacific Rim countries that signed the CBD.
Carrizosa, Santiago
Brush, Stephen B.
Wright, Brian D.
McGuire, Patrick E.
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Environmental Law Programme
University of California, Genetic Resources Conservation Program, US
Germany, Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development
This book contains a selection of papers on various legal issues of interest to developing countries which have been prepared by Fellows from InWent who came to Germany between 2002 and 2004 from Africa, Asia, and Latin America to research and write about subjects of their choice at the IUCN Envi
Burhenne-Guilmin, Françoise
Cedeño, Marianela
Fernández Fernández, Edgar
Jemaiel, Sondes
Mwebaza, Rose
Zhandeyeva, Dana
Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung (InWent), DE
The workshop was organised to improve the understanding of the dialectic between water-related infrastructures and institutional frameworks in West Africa.
With good governance firmly entrenched on the international agenda, this publication analyses the trends affecting protected area governance at the international level, and goes on to explore emerging issues concerning certification, standards, partnerships and funding mechanisms.
This guide has been prepared by the IUCN Environmental Law Programme and the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD), in cooperation with the World Resources Institute (WRI).
Ascencio, Alfonso
Burhenne-Guilmin, Françoise
Kinderlerer, Julian
Kummer, Katharina
La Viña, Antonio
Mackenzie, Ruth
Tapper, Richard
Werksman, Jacob D.
Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD)
This guide has been prepared by the IUCN Environmental Law Programme and the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD), in cooperation with the World Resources Institute (WRI).
Ascencio, Alfonso
Burhenne-Guilmin, Françoise
Kinderlerer, Julian
Kummer, Katharina
La Viña, Antonio
Mackenzie, Ruth
Maslov, A. V.
Tapper, Richard
Werksman, Jacob D.
Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD)
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN, Office for the Commonwealth of Independent States
Laws in the twentieth century were based on economic growth and development. This new century calls for the reassessment of all laws from an environmental perspective in consideration of such looming environmental concerns as global warming, degradation of biodiversity and pollution.
This guide has been prepared by the IUCN Environmental Law Programme and the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD), in cooperation with the World Resources Institute (WRI).
Ascencio, Alfonso
Burhenne-Guilmin, Françoise
Kinderlerer, Julian
Kummer, Katharina
La Viña, Antonio
Mackenzie, Ruth
Tapper, Richard
Werksman, Jacob D.
Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD)
Energy has recently emerged at the forefront of sustainable development. The United Nations Development Programmes World Energy Assessment (2000) linked energy and most of the ills of modern society in both developed and developing countries.
This guide has been prepared by the IUCN Environmental Law Programme and the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD), in cooperation with the World Resources Institute (WRI).
Ascencio, Alfonso
Burhenne-Guilmin, Françoise
Kinderlerer, Julian
Kummer, Katharina
La Viña, Antonio
Mackenzie, Ruth
Tapper, Richard
Werksman, Jacob D.
Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD)
The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development placed a responsibility on States to protect the local, regional and global environment, especially problems shared by the whole community such as soil degradation.
This paper addresses the environmental and developmental impacts of patent protection by specifically focusing on the global agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).