The Gibraltar Bird Report follows the customary format of British county bird reports. Each issue includes a Review of the Year, followed by a Systematic List summarising observations of each species. There is also a Ringing Report, including a list of birds ringed in the year in question.
Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society, GI
The Eastern African Journal of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism is a publication of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the St. Augustine University of Tanzania.
St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Forschungsergebnisse werden zu Wissens-Konzentraten und Handlungsanleitungen für Praktikerinnen und Praktiker aufbereitet. Die Reihe richtet sich an Forst- und Naturschutzkreise, Behörden, Schulen, interessierte Laien usw.
Switzerland, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL)
Les résultats de la recherche sont élaborés pour constituer des pôles de savoir et des guides d'action à l'intention du monde de la pratique. La série s'adresse aux milieux de la foresterie et de la protection de la nature, aux autorités, aux écoles ainsi qu'aux non-initiés.
Switzerland, Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL)
Silva Gabreta is an international journal, which publishes peer-reviewed research papers, reviews, and short communications dealing with different aspects of natural history and nature protection especially within the territory of the Bohemian Forest.
Sprava Národniho parku a Chránené Krajinné Oblasti Sumava
The Journal of Species Research publishes peer-reviewed, original research papers, reviews, reports, and notes covering all aspects of taxonomy and biological diversity of all kinds of organisms.
Vol. 15, no.3 (July-September 2014) is a special issue of MISTNET about vultures and the SOS-funded project "Conserving South Asia's Threatened Vultures," part of the SAVE program.
Resources is the flagship magazine of Resources for the Future (RFF) and was first published in 1959. It highlights feature stories by RFF experts on a variety of environmental, energy, and natural resource issues, and news about ongoing research and public outreach efforts.
The Asian Biotechnology and Development Review (ABDR) aims at generating wider awareness of the issues involved and emerging developments in the area of biotechnology.
Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)
Cynthia és una publicació anual que ofereix un resum de les dades més destacables de cada temporada i una sèrie de seccions per a donar a conèixer les diferents estacions de mostratge, els treballs científics que genera el CBMS, els elements més importants per identificar correctament le
É um periódico científico interdisciplinar, de acesso livre, que publica trabalhos inéditos em Ciências Florestais e ciências afins, na forma de artigos científicos, notas científicas e artigos de revisão, redigidos em português, inglês ou espanhol, nas seguintes áreas temáticas:
Tropical Resources, an annual publication of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute, features the TRI-funded research of Masters and Doctoral students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.
DevISSues promotes ISS as a leading centre for development studies by publicizing 'state of the art' high quality information about research and teaching at ISS and stimulating debate on key and emerging development policy issues.
International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL
The Journal publishes papers and notes in the field of natural history, broadly defined as the study of organisms in their natural state, relevant to the eastern African region.
Policy Matters is a peer reviewed journal published electronically and in print by IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP).
IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP)
Samara aims to provide information and inspiration for MBSP partners and a flavour of the successes of the Partnership for other interested recipients.
Wild Land News is published by the Scottish Wild Land Group, which is Scotland's oldest and only volunteer-run wild land charity and works to protect Scotland's species, environments and landscapes.
Acid News is a newsletter from the Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat, the primary aim of which is to provide information on air pollution and its effects on health and the environment.
Danube Watch is the official magazine of the ICPDR. It enhances regional cooperation and information sharing on sustainable water management and environmental protection in the Danube River Basin.
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, AT
Stockholm Waterfront is a quarterly magazine that aims to inform the global water debate and be a source of knowledge and inspiration for professionals worldwide with an interest in water issues.
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), SE
Serie periódica editada por la Fundación Miguel Lillo, que publica trabajos científicos originales sobre botánica, micología y ficología; incluidos temas ecológicos, anatómicos, fisiológicos, citológicos, genéticos, palinológicos, fitogeográficos, botánica aplicada y paleobotánica.
COASTAL & MARINE (formerly COASTLINE) is the illustrated, full-colour, on-line quarterly magazine of the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC). The magazine aims at those professionally involved in coastal management, planning and conservation in Europe.
Rural 21 seeks to to further those strategies and policies that strengthen rural areas of developing and newly industrialising countries and encourage their implementation.
Germany, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG)
Helvetas, CH
Germany, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Le Magazine Pro Natura est la principale revue dans le domaine de la protection de la nature. Il explique la nature de manière compétente, informative et captivante, avec de nombreuses photos à l’appui. Le Magazine porte un éclairage sur la politique et la recherche.
The quarterly journal of the Botanical Society, Veld & Flora, is a glossy colour-filled magazine that covers a wide variety of topics related to the flora of southern Africa, mainly, but occasionally also some feature articles about the flora of other parts of Africa.