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Publications advanced search

Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Format: 2024
Year only. e.g. 1975

This list contains 5534 entry(ies).

Non IUCN Publication

Journal of East African natural history : a journal of biodiversity

The Journal publishes papers and notes in the field of natural history, broadly defined as the study of organisms in their natural state, relevant to the eastern African region.

Non IUCN Publication

Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão


Non IUCN Publication

National park quarterly


Non IUCN Publication

University of Aden journal of natural & applied sciences


Non IUCN Publication

FAO aquaculture newsletter

FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN) is issued three times a year in the form of printed newsletter by the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.


IUCN Publication

Policy matters

Policy Matters is a peer reviewed journal published electronically and in print by IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP).


Non IUCN Publication

Samara : the international newsletter of the partners of the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership

Samara aims to provide information and inspiration for MBSP partners and a flavour of the successes of the Partnership for other interested recipients. 


Non IUCN Publication

Wild land news : magazine of the Scottish Wild Land Group

Wild Land News is published by the Scottish Wild Land Group, which is Scotland's oldest and only volunteer-run wild land charity and works to protect Scotland's species, environments and landscapes. 


Non IUCN Publication

Acid news

Acid News is a newsletter from the Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat, the primary aim of which is to provide information on air pollution and its effects on health and the environment. 


Non IUCN Publication

Actualités des forêts tropicales

A newsletter from ITTO to promote the conservation and sustainable use of tropical forest resources


Non IUCN Publication

Danube watch

Danube Watch is the official magazine of the ICPDR. It enhances regional cooperation and information sharing on sustainable water management and environmental protection in the Danube River Basin.


IUCN Publication

Parks : the international journal of protected areas and conservation


Non IUCN Publication

Stockholm waterfront

Stockholm Waterfront is a quarterly magazine that aims to inform the global water debate and be a source of knowledge and inspiration for professionals worldwide with an interest in water issues. 


Non IUCN Publication

FAO fisheries and aquaculture report


Non IUCN Publication


Serie periódica editada por la Fundación Miguel Lillo, que publica trabajos científicos originales sobre botánica, micología y ficología; incluidos temas ecológicos, anatómicos, fisiológicos, citológicos, genéticos, palinológicos, fitogeográficos, botánica aplicada y paleobotánica. 


Non IUCN Publication

Coastal and marine

COASTAL & MARINE (formerly COASTLINE) is the illustrated, full-colour, on-line quarterly magazine of the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC). The magazine aims at those professionally involved in coastal management, planning and conservation in Europe.


Non IUCN Publication

The Circle


Non IUCN Publication

Rural 21 : the international journal for rural development

Rural 21 seeks to to further those strategies and policies that strengthen rural areas of developing and newly industrialising countries and encourage their implementation.


Non IUCN Publication

Afrique renouveau


Non IUCN Publication

Africa renewal


Non IUCN Publication

Hotspot : biodiversité, dialogue entre recherche et pratique, informations du Forum Biodiversité Suisse


Non IUCN Publication

The journal of cetacean research and management


Non IUCN Publication

La Terre et la vie : revue d'écologie


Non IUCN Publication


Cratschla provides information (mainly in German) about the most important developments within Switzerland’s largest nature reserve.


Non IUCN Publication

Pro natura magazine

Le Magazine Pro Natura est la principale revue dans le domaine de la protection de la nature. Il explique la nature de manière compétente, informative et captivante, avec de nombreuses photos à l’appui. Le Magazine porte un éclairage sur la politique et la recherche.


Non IUCN Publication

Development dialogue


Non IUCN Publication

Veld & flora : journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa

The quarterly journal of the Botanical Society, Veld & Flora, is a glossy colour-filled magazine that covers a wide variety of topics related to the flora of southern Africa, mainly, but occasionally also some feature articles about the flora of other parts of Africa. 


Non IUCN Publication

Gibraltar nature news


Non IUCN Publication

Parki narodowe i rezerwaty przyrody


Non IUCN Publication

The World Heritage newsletter; La lettre du patrimoine mondial


Non IUCN Publication

Naturschutz heute


Non IUCN Publication

Global change


Non IUCN Publication


Wildfowl is an international scientific journal published annually by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT).


Non IUCN Publication

Unasylva : an international journal of forestry and forest industries

First published in 1947, Unasylva is FAO's journal of forestry and forest industries. Its goal is to bring globally significant developments in forestry to a broad range of readers - such as policy-makers, forest managers, technicians, researchers, students and teachers.


Non IUCN Publication

Tigerpaper : regional quarterly bulletin on wildlife and national parks management

TIGERPAPER is a quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national parks management for the Asia-Pacific Region.


Non IUCN Publication

IZN : international zoo news

A magazine for the exchange of news, information and ideas between zoos and aquariums of the world.


Non IUCN Publication

Earth island journal

Earth island journal is a quarterly magazine that combines investigative journalism and thought-provoking essays that make the subtle but profound connections between the environment and other contemporary issues.


IUCN Publication

Marine news

Marine News is the IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme e-newsletter.


IUCN Publication

Pilares : revista de la UICN - Unión mundial para la naturaleza en Mesoamérica


IUCN Publication

Wetlands International Seaduck Specialist Group bulletin


IUCN Publication

Afrotherian conservation : newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group


IUCN Publication

Policy matters : newsletter of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy

Policy Matters is a peer reviewed journal published electronically and in print by IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP).


IUCN Publication

Boletin de la UICN


IUCN Publication

UICN Boletin, nueva serie


IUCN Publication

Conservación mundial


IUCN Publication

Planète conservation


IUCN Publication

Edentata : a newsletter of the IUCN Edentate Specialist Group


IUCN Publication

World conservation

