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Guidelines for protected areas legislation : English version, case studies and matrices = Directrices para la legislación relativa a áreas protegidas : versión en español, incluidos los estudios de caso y las matrices legislativas = Lignes directrices pou

Complete Title: 
Guidelines for protected areas legislation : English version, case studies and matrices = Directrices para la legislación relativa a áreas protegidas : versión en español, incluidos los estudios de caso y las matrices legislativas = Lignes directrices pour la législation des aires protégées : version française, y compris études de cas et matrices des législations
IUCN Publication

The purpose of these guidelines is to update and expand the original guidelines on protected areas legislation published in 1980 and to reflect new developments and emerging issues. These developments include significant advances in international environmental law, and an improved scientific understanding of the role of protected areas in nature conservation, including conserving biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem functions and supporting sustainable development. The CD-ROM includes the full English text of these guidelines as well as case studies and matrices, material not included in the print version of the publication.

Monographic Series no.: 
no. 081
Gland : IUCN, 2011
Physical Description: 
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. Accompanies print edition of the Spanish and French language versions of publication. The guidelines are available in separate English, French and Spanish language versions.

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Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2025/01/14