Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas:
Since 2012, more coordination and cooperation has been developed
International instruments CBD-EBSA: -
Barcelona Convention MAP and in particular the RAC/SPA (Protocol SPA/BIO) has prepared and adopted an Action Plan for Dark Habitats.
The GFCM developed a network of deep sea Fisheries restricted Areas and the EC/EU has integrated in its system the GFCM measures
ACCOBAMS is developing a label for the Critical Cetacean habitats (CCH)
National France efforts for research, full survey of canyons - Turkey declaration of a deep sea protected area (from 900m to 2000m depth) - Lebanon MPA strategy including deep sea environment
Bi lateral cooperation (Spain-Morocco) for the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean
Tri-lateral cooperation (France-Italy-Monaco) for the Pelagos sanctuary and review of the efficiency of its implementation
IUCN Mediterranean reports and actions
1-FRA in territorial waters (2015)- 2-Atlas of seamounts (2015) 3-International labels for MPAs (2015) 4-Meeting on Deep Sea ecosystems (2015) 5-Common strategy for MPAs with main partners (2016).
¿Qué esfuerzos se están llevando a cabo para superar dichos obstáculos?:
recruitment of one staff covering one related topic, such as fisheries, to have more time on lobbying and discussing with authorities and governments of the region at the national level (such as Turkey, Lebanon, Morocco)