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WCC 2012 Res 069 - Activity Report

Información general
Constituyente de la UICN: 
Asia Regional Office
Tipo de Constituyente de la UICN: 
IUCN Secretariat
Período de actividades: 
Ámbito geográfico: 
Sur y Este asiático
Viet Nam
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Qué otros Miembros de la UICN están o han estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
No lo sé
Qué Comisiones de la UICN están o han estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
No lo sé
Si el Secretariado de la UICN está o ha estado implicado en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Convocar a partes interesadas/creaci�n de redesEven though IUCN Asia Regional Office did not receive funding from the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, a number of its initiatives in the area of wetland water resources management and coastal resources management is contributing to the implementation of this resolution.
Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas: 
In terms of coordination of activities around aquatic ecosystems in the coastal and marine domain, the Mangroves for the Future Initiative is making considerable efforts including coordination its priorities with those of the ASEAN Secretariat and Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) as well as the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA). In addition, IUCN Asia regional office is establishing close collaboration with the Ramsar Secretariat and its regional initiatives including the East-Asian Australasian Flyways partnership. In terms of the terrestrial aquatic ecosystems, IUCN Asia Regional office through its South East Asia Group programme is working with State and NGO members in improved management of the Mekong basin including the Ramsar Wetlands. IUCN Asia Regional Office is in the process of setting up a new Regional Ramsar Initiative, Indo Burma Regional Ramsar Initiative to strengthen coordination and governance of Ramsar Wetlands in the Indo-Burma ecoregion countries of Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar.
Indique y describa brevemente las actividades que se realizarán en el futuro para la implementación de esta Resolución: 
Acción FuturaDescripción
Otra actividadIUCN Asia Regional Office will continue to work on the implementation of this Resolution including developing synergies between the coordination of the marine and coastal ecosystems with those of the terrestrial ecosystems and enhance network and knowledge sharing between these various coordinating initiatives.