Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas:
Major achievements in 2015: PANAMA/An agreement signed between Coordinadora del Pueblo Ngöbe and the Government on regard to social rights in the context of Dams and Mining in indigenous territories. COSTA RICA/The indigenous people of Terraba proposed an agreement with the government about Land Legal Security of their territories. HONDURAS/The indigenous organization MASTA established an agreement on the Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) on regard to an oil exploration concession of BG-Group. GUATEMALA/An indigenous organization of the Q'eqch'i People reached an agreement of Collective Land Titiling. In 2016, monitoring agreements with each of the organizations of indigenous peoples of Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala. Through a new project funded by SIDA, with regard to the Governance Framework of Natural Resources and jointly with the CEESP, information and dialogue platforms on this subject have been developed. It is expected to define an specific GFNR for indigenous territories of Mesoamerica.