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WCC 2016 Res 096 - Activity Report

Información general
Constituyente de la UICN: 
Tipo de Constituyente de la UICN: 
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2017-2020
Período de actividades: 
Ámbito geográfico: 
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Qué Comisiones de la UICN están o han estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
Si el Secretariado de la UICN está o ha estado implicado en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
Enumere otros actores (no-Miembros de la UICN) que hayan estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución: 
ACODED and The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife in Cameroon
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Educaci�n/Comunicaci�n/Concientizaci�nTraining of field staff and eco-guards in Waza National ParkOn-going
Actividades t�cnicas/cient�ficasMaterialization of wildlife corridor from Waza National Park to the Kalfou Forest reserve to permit the movemnet of elephats and other wild animalsCompleted
Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas: 
The main objective of this activity was to reduce the conflicts threatening the conservation of elephants and other wildlife species as they migrated from Waza National Park south through human transformed landscape to the kalfou forest reserve seasonally. The corridor was materialized through an interview survey in communities reported to experience conflict with wildlife. Geographic coordinates were collected throughout tracks indicated to be used by elephants by local populations.
These coordinates were used in GIS to materialized the corridor. This activity has let to focusing mitigation efforts in communities experiencing conflicts with wildlife especially elephants.

¿Qué esfuerzos se están llevando a cabo para superar dichos obstáculos?: 
Installation of farmland and communities along the tracks used by wildlife. The challenges of having to displace communities to reduce conflicts. Lack of funds for continuous awareness and education.
Indique y describa brevemente las actividades que se realizarán en el futuro para la implementación de esta Resolución: 
Acción FuturaDescripción
Actividades de campoDeveloping other income generating activities to prevent he population from acquiring on land for agriculture. The future activities also takes into consideration efforts to fight climate change. For instance using bees to chase elephants, produce honey to generate revenue and as agents of pollination.