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WCC 2016 Res 011 - Activity Report

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Ámbito geográfico: 
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
United Kingdom
United States of America
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Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Influencia pol�tica/promoci�n de pol�ticasJapan remains one of the world’s largest domestic ivory markets, and is home to an active, though shrinking, ivory manufacturing industry. The country also boasts significant stockpiles of raw tusks in private ownership. It prohibits domestic trade of Appendix I-listed species, with exemptions for specimens registered with the government with a proof of legal import. However, for ivory this regulation applies only to whole tusks — other ivory products are exempted, requiring neither registration nor any other proof of legality. TRAFFIC reports recommended the Japanese government address a number of aspects concerning internal ivory trade urgently—including the introduction of comprehensive regulations for all types of trade beyond just whole tusks and trade by registered ivory businesses—and should encourage the introduction of stricter measures by the e-commerce sector (August 2017, November 2017). The most recent TRAFFIC report revealed the growing trend for ivory in Japan’s domestic antiques and tourist markets to be routinely purchased by visitors and agents for illegal ivory exports, and calls for the closure of Japan’s domestic ivory market pursuant to CITES Res. Conf. 10.10 (Rev. CoP17). On-going
Influencia pol�tica/promoci�n de pol�ticasTRAFFIC published "A Ban on Commercial Ivory Trade in China: A Feasibility Study Briefing", which provide independent advice and recommendations to the Chinese Government on a possible option that China can consider to address the global problem of illegal ivory trade - a ban on commercial ivory trade in the country. The country’s existing ivory trade controls and law enforcement system are examined, in light of the current ivory market in China, as well as the likely impact an ivory trade ban could have. This briefing is a rapid evaluation based on existing knowledge derived from TRAFFIC’s monitoring work of the Chinese ivory market. While this is not a comprehensive study, this briefing does outline issues to take into account when examining the need, feasibility and possible implementation challenges involved when considering a ban on commercial ivory trade in China, as well as some next steps needed towards that end. An effective ivory trade ban in the Chinese context will require careful consideration of the particular regulatory mechanisms and implementation structures and processes that will define and support the new domestic policy. WWF and TRAFFIC fully intend to augment this initial briefing document with further in depth studies.Completed
Influencia pol�tica/promoci�n de pol�ticasTRAFFIC published a report 'Closing Strategy: ending ivory trade in Hong Kong' which encouraged the Hong Kong SAR Government to implement measures to elevate its capacity to tackle ivory trafficking, including co-operation with other law enforcement agencies, especially in mainland China, to boost investigation and real-time intelligence sharing. TRAFFIC’s recent report also recommended a rapid implementation of an ivory ban alongside measures to improve oversight, record-keeping and transparency of the trade in registered ivory, of which latest figures from the government suggests there are still 64 tonnes remaining in the territory. Measures include the need for labelling of ivory products and display of licence notices to be strictly enforced to minimise confusion for consumers about the legitimacy of ivory products and outlets. Active monitoring of the trade is encouraged with monthly reporting of transactions by licensed ivory dealers, as well as increased transparency through annual publishing of data from the government on Hong Kong’s remaining ivory stockpiles.Completed
Actividades t�cnicas/cient�ficasEuropean Union regulations allows for trade in - all worked items that pre-date 3 March 1947, but places the burden of proof on the seller. - raw ivory and worked items that originated between 1947 and 1990 may be bought and sold if accompanied by certificates issued by the relevant CITES authorities. TRAFFIC provided technical support to the European Commission in preparing for a consultation process to obtain the views of all stakeholders and the public on the need for further restrictions on ivory trade in the EU. TRAFFIC in Europe conducted an analysis of EU ivory trade and responses from EU member State governments on the need for further restrictions on ivory trade in the EU. It is currently finalising an analysis of the responses to the consultation process. On-going
Actividades t�cnicas/cient�ficasIn order to evaluate the impact of any new regulations, including commercial trade bans, it is essential to have a “baseline” for monitoring change. To establish such a point of reference for future monitoring of elephant ivory markets in the US, in July 2017 TRAFFIC performed an assessment where it surveyed a sample of retail outlets in six US cities and six major online platforms. The assessment deliver a foundation of data against which the impact of regulations and enforcement aimed to restrict domestic commercial sales of elephant ivory, and future shifts in availability as an indicator of ivory demand, may be measured. these findings offer a valuable snapshot of a segment of the 2016 elephant ivory market that will serve as an efficient and cost-effective guide for future monitoring of the impact of federal regulations that came into effect on July 6, 2016, to impose a nearly complete ban on the import, export and domestic trade of African elephant ivory in the US.On-going
Actividades t�cnicas/cient�ficasTRAFFIC published "An Updated Review of Online Ivory Trade in Japan, highlighting the findings of a survey conducted to update the state of online ivory trade in Japan, last reviewed in 2014. In addition to online shopping malls and auction sites, emerging online CtoC (Customer to Customer) market sites were surveyed. Legal ivory sales continue on online shopping malls and auction sites, though there is evidence of improved compliance with Japan’s domestic law1 owing to e-commerce companies’ monitoring activities. Overall trends in online ivory trading are not possible to gauge at this point, but collectively various channels are active. Emerging online CtoC markets are being used for trading personal ivory items, particularly jewellery. An average of 143 new advertisements were uploaded every week on Mercari, Japan’s leading online CtoC market. Advertisements of "new" ivory jewellery brought back from Asia and Africa in contravention of CITES were also found. 2,447 ivory items on average were auctioned every week on Yahoo Auction. The trade value of ivory over a four-week monitoring period was estimated at JPY45.2 million (USD407,000). The majority of sellers who did not identify themselves as businesses could be inferred to be operating as such. The report concluded thAT Japan’s current legal framework does not regulate ivory trade amongst individuals except when whole tusks are traded. There is no way of establishing legality in the active online trading of other ivory items such as jewellery and figurineS and recommends the government urgently assesses the feasibility of installing strict measures to address all aspects of internal ivory trade, including capturing the identity of, and registering online businesses with no indication of their identity as such, as well as encouraging the e-commerce sector to implement stricter measures, including banning the trade, and awareness raising for e-commerce users.On-going
Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas: 
Near total ban but allowing for supervised auctions of cultural relics (effective 31st December 2017)

Hong Kong Legislative Council voted to pass a bill that will end local ivory trade in Hong Kong, with commercial trade of ivory within the territory to continue only until the end of 2021, after which all ivory trading will cease, with the exception of the antiques trade in ivory carved before the year 1925.
Indique y describa brevemente las actividades que se realizarán en el futuro para la implementación de esta Resolución: 
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