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WCC 2016 Res 096 - Activity Report

Información general
Constituyente de la UICN: 
Environment and Conservation Organisations of New Zealand
Tipo de Constituyente de la UICN: 
IUCN Member
Período de actividades: 
Ámbito geográfico: 
Océano Pacífico
Océano Austral
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Qué otros Miembros de la UICN están o han estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand / New Zealand
Department of Conservation / New Zealand
Si el Secretariado de la UICN está o ha estado implicado en la implementación de esta Resolución?: 
Enumere otros actores (no-Miembros de la UICN) que hayan estado implicados en la implementación de esta Resolución: 
Antarctic Marine Living Resources Commission, BBNJ negotiations, South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition, High Seas Alliance, numerous New Zealand member organisations of ECO, some New Zealand Maori hapu, Ministry of Primary Industries in New Zealand, certain regional councils in New Zealand, CBD
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Educaci�n/Comunicaci�n/Concientizaci�nAt a variety of official fora, at ECO's own conferences, in events and conferences we have advocated for higher aspirations for protected areas, and for other space for nature.On-going
Influencia pol�tica/promoci�n de pol�ticasSubmissions on a range of New Zealand and other policy and legislation; at Select Committee Hearings of Parliament, in media, and in submissions to departments in New Zealand, ECO has pressed for space for nature, including in the marine and in the terrestrial environment. Input to the CBD, SDG processes in New Zealand, and other organisations on the need to press for protected areas and other spatial allocations for nature; our particular but not exclusive focus is the marine environment.On-going
Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas: 
We continue to press for higher aspirations and we await the outcomes of BBNJ, CBD, and New Zealand policy and law reform and other processes.
The New Zealand government has promised but not delivered on a ban on new mines on Conservation land; The NZ Government has stopped issuing new oil and gas permits in the NZ marine areas and most of the terrestrial environment except where these have already been promised or are held and/or operating.
¿Qué esfuerzos se están llevando a cabo para superar dichos obstáculos?: 
The pervasive influence of industrial fishers, the oil and gas and minerals industry and embedded ignorance and opposition from those who do not understand the crises to biodiversity and the importance of significant areas for biodiversity protection. Funding is always a problem.
Indique y describa brevemente las actividades que se realizarán en el futuro para la implementación de esta Resolución: 
Acción FuturaDescripción
Convocar a partes interesadas/creaci�n de redesECO is a network of organisations and in turn networks with other groups both nationally and internationally. Funding is a constraint, but we convene a variety of discussions, often via electronic means.
Educaci�n/Comunicaci�n/Concientizaci�nECO produces a weekly newsletter and other communications as well as raising awareness of science and Maturanga Maori (Maori knowledge and insights) , and we also attend a variety of meetings and conferences in which we raise these issues. ECO responds to many discussion documents and law reform processes.
Influencia pol�tica/promoci�n de pol�ticasECO attends the BBNJ meetings via the High Seas Alliance/Deep Sea Conservation Coalition or the NZ Government delegation, and we will continue doing that. In respect of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, we work via the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) and the NZ Government, other ENGOs, etc. Within New Zealand we work with ENGO colleagues, academics, science, and Maori organisations and government agencies depending on the topic.