Indique cuáles han sido los resultados/logros obtenidos en el marco de las actividades realizadas:
At September 2022: (i) 6 emerging researchers supported, through PhD/postdoctoral funding. (ii) 'Fight for the Wild' awarded BEST FACTUAL SERIES, NZTV AWARDS 2022. (iii) 17 landscape predator elimination projects developed (of which 3 are iwi-led by Māori), in total forecast to cover 756,700ha by June 2024. Many are already achieving and nearing elimination goals and are already recording biodiversity benefits (up to ~50% increases in bird counts since inception in 2017). (iv) PF2050 Limited investments leveraging at least double the resourcing from other sources. (v) 26 new tools and 4 new best-practice guidelines forecast by late 2024. Since 2019, 7 are already being used in landscape projects, including remote-reporting thermal video cameras with onboard AI for predator detection, and new long-life lures and resetting traps. (vi) 42 scientific projects and research studies funded. Since 2017, achievements include better understanding of target species through world first full genome sequencing; 50x increase in small predator detection sensitivity using thermal cameras; a new mainland landscape predator elimination approach; and a world first Data Standard for pest management.
¿Qué esfuerzos se están llevando a cabo para superar dichos obstáculos?:
No significant challenges have been encountered - we are fortunate to be working in a very enabling environment.