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An inventory on international conventions, treaties and protocols related to environment and the Bangladesh context

Complete Title: 
An inventory on international conventions, treaties and protocols related to environment and the Bangladesh context
IUCN Grey Literature




Bangladesh, like many orther countries, has signed a number of conventions, treaties and protocols (ICTP) related to environment. This publication aims to (1) identify and make an inventory of relevant environmental ICTPs and prepare a brief on those; (2) identify those ICTPs which the Government of Bangladesh has signed, ratified or accessed; (3) identify those ICTPs which have not been signed, ratified or accessed but need to be done; (4) briefly discuss the implication of these ICTPs on environment and development; (5) present the implementation status of these ICTPs. This publication will be useful for all concerned and will hopefully succeed in generating thoughts and actions leading to a better understanding and more effective harnessing of these international environmental instruments

Dakha : IUCN Bangladesh, 1996
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Contains a brief description of 44 international conventions. Includes bibliographic references

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Record created: 2013/09/12
Record updated: 2023/08/08