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Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management, NL

Non IUCN Publication

4 retornos, 3 zonas, 20 años

4 retornos, 3 zonas, 20 años es un llamamiento para crear un marco holístico mediante un lenguaje común que promueva el establecimiento de asociaciones de restauración de ecosistemas entre agricultores y usuarios de la tierra, empresas, inversores, gobiernos,escuelas de negocios y organi



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

4 returns, 3 zones, 20 years

4 returns, 3 zones, 20 years presents a holistic and practical business framework that uses a common language, and – based on science, technology and social stakeholder management tools -- aims to establish Ecosystem Restoration Partnerships between people living on the land, companies,



Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Nature resilience : organising ecological restoration by partners in business for next generations

The essence of sustainability is about reconnecting man's relationship to nature.



Publication Year: 
Subscribe to Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management, NL