This publication consists of four parts the first contains reports on the wildlife legislation of 45 African States. Each report gives a general overview of the existing law, and summarizes the provisions of the legislation dealing with national and international trade.
A source book for future research and management activities, these 20 papers cover wetland issues in Kenya and underline the need for a national wetland programme.
Crafter, S. A.
Njuguna, S. G. (Steven G.)
Howard, Geoffrey W.
IUCN, Wetlands Conservation Programme
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
East African Natural History Society, Kenyan Wetlands Working Group
Papers presented at a symposium on the legal problems of the conservation of wetlands, jointly organized the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law and the Groupe des zones humides of the Société française pour le droit de lenvironnement.
Untermaier, Jean
IUCN Environmental Law Centre (ELC)
IUCN Commission on Environmental Policy, Law and Administration (CEPLA)
Société française pour le droit de l'environnement, FR
Originally intended as a series of papers, the only entry in this loose-leaf collection Legal measures for the Prevention of Pirate Whaling investigates the legal aspects of the problem of pirate whaling, i.e.