This volume gives the most up-to-date information on the distributions and conservation status of species in all inland water ecosystems across mainland continental Africa and the reasons behind their declining status.
Allen, D. J.
Brooks, E. G. E.
Darwall, W.R.T.
Harrison, I. J.
Holland, R. A.
Smith, K. G.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC)
IUCN, Regional Office for Eastern Africa
IUCN, Regional Office for Southern Africa
IUCN, Species Programme, Freshwater Biodiversity Unit
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB), ZA
University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), NL
The term rights-based approach (RBA) has been used in various contexts and defined in different ways. This publication applies the approach specifically in exploring the linkages between conservation and respect for internationally and nationally guaranteed human rights.
This Red List publication summarizes results for Mediterranean terrestrial mammals, and provides the first overview of the conservation status of these species to follow IUCN regional Red Listing guidelines.
Conservation for a New Era outlines the critical issues facing us in the 21st century, developed from the results of the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona in October 2008.
El libro de Gobernanza del Agua en Mesoamérica pretende realizar un análisis comparativo del estado de la incorporación de la variable ambiental en la legislación sobre recursos hídricos de los países de Mesoamérica.
Contracts relating to scientific/technical development are effective only where they are enforceable or valid under relevant law, can be practically implemented by the Parties, and address matters arising from the relevant scientific/technical issues and practices.
En 2007, UICN, PNUD, PNUMA y WEDO reconocieron la necesidad de una estrategia coordinada entre las instituciones mundiales involucradas con los temas de género y cambio climático. El resultado fue la creación de la Alianza Global de Género y Clima (GGCA).
En 2007, UICN, PNUD, PNUE et WEDO ont reconnu le besoin pour une stratégie coordonnée auprès des institutions internationales travaillant dans le domaine de la parité entre hommes et femmes et des changements climatiques.
In 2007 the Shark Specialist Group convened an expert workshop with the aim of using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria to assess the conservation status of pelagic sharks and rays.
Camhi, Merry
Fordham, Sonja V.
Fowler, Sarah
Gibson, Claudine
Valenti, Sarah V.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Shark Specialist Group
The Sustainable Livelihoods Enhancement and Diversification (SLED) approach has been developed through building on the lessons of past livelihoods research projects as well as worldwide experience in livelihood improvement and participatory development practice.
Cattermoul, B.
Townsley, P.
Campbell, J.
Integrated Marine Management Ltd, UK
IUCN, Ecosystem and Livelihoods Group, Asia
Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO)
Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MCPAs), in their variety of forms and scales, are seen as one of the solutions to threats facing the coastal and marine environment, while contributing to the long-term sustainable livelihoods of coastal communities, their cultures and their economies.
IUCN, Ecosystem and Livelihoods Group, Asia
IUCN, Global Marine Programme
Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean (CORDIO)
The need for rapid methodologies for measuring coral reef resilience and their application in assessing the effectiveness of coral reef conservation management measures is becoming increasingly acute, especially in the developing world.
IUCN, as a neutral forum for objectively-based consensus seeking, is facing an ever-increasing demand to conduct independent scientific reviews of controversial development projects.
La présente étude porte sur lévaluation des principales valeurs économiques générées par la restauration du Parc national du Diawling en République islamique de Mauritanie, zone humide dimportance internationale, à travers une estimation des usages directs de la zone dinfluence du parc.
Un des défis auxquels la conservation des grands singes doit faire face est linteraction croissante entre les humains et les grands singes, et les conflits que cela génère.
Hockings, Kimberley
Humle, Tatyana
Conservation International, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
Re-introduction is one tool for conserving great apes and their natural habitats. These guidelines adapt other IUCN documents to pertain specifically to the re-introduction of great apes.
Beck, Benjamin B.
Rodrigues, Michelle
Stoinski, Tara
Travis, Dominic A.
Unwin, Steve
Walkup, Kristina
Conservation International, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS)
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Reintroduction Specialist Group
Les menaces conjuguées auxquelles font actuellement face les derniers grands singes appellent des mesures de conservation immédiates à tous les niveaux -- des initiatives portant sur des sites particuliers aux conventions et plans d'action internationaux, en passant par les stratégies nationales
Ancrenaz, M.
Kühl, H.
Maisels, F.
Williamson, Elizabeth A.
IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), Primate Specialist Group
With the growing scarcity of fish resources, instruments of fisheries management become crucial. This publication suggests a legal approach to this isssue, and focuses on six case studies: Indonesia, Kenya, Namibia, Brazil, Mexico and the EU.
Ce cadre juridique international comporte un cadre normatif intégrant les règles les plus importantes actuelles du droit des cours d'eau internationaux, un cadre institutionnel de gestion constitué par lAutorité du Bassin de la Volta (ABV) et un mécanisme de règlement des différends entre les Et
This final book of the ABS project provides focused research papers on issues that have not been agreed internationally, and which were beyond the scope of the first four ABS books: 1) ABS issues in sectoral ministries and instruments; 2) legal issues and experiences relevant to designing an ABS
For billions of people throughout the world especially the poorest wetlands are critical for livelihoods. Wetlands are also home to an enormous diversity of wildlife, much of it unique to freshwater habitats.
Allen, David
Darwall, W.R.T.
Springate-Baginski, Oliver
IUCN, Species Programme, Freshwater Biodiversity Unit
The links between human rights and biodiversity and natural resource conservation are many and complex. The conservation community is being challenged to take stronger measures to respect human rights and is taking opportunities to further their realisation.
Campese, Jessica
Sunderland, Terry
Greiber, Thomas
Oviedo, Gonzalo
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), ID
La entrada en vigor del Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Agricultura y la Alimentación marca el compromiso de la comunidad internacional con un acuerdo independiente dirigido a abordar tanto las necesidades mundiales de seguridad alimentaria como los objetivos acorda
This book provides a systematic analysis of the requirements of access law, both the CBD requirements and the basic requirements of enforceable legislation.
In 2007, IUCN, UNDP, UNEP and WEDO recognized the need for a coordinated strategy among global institutions working on gender and climate change. The result was the establishment of the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA).