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Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), PK

IUCN Publication

Environmental fiscal reform in Abbottabad : revenue and expenditure

This report is part of a series of investigations to determine whether pro-poor environmental fiscal reform can be designed and implemented in key sectors in the district of Abbottabad. This preliminary study aims to assess the current status of drinking water services in the district.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

Environmental fiscal reform in Abbottabad : solid waste management

This study aims to explore options for pro-poor environmental fiscal reform (EFR) in Abbottabad. it serves as a primary evaluation, investigating ground realities, examining the institutional context and assessing household perceptions.



Publication Year: 
IUCN Grey Literature

Environmental fiscal reform in Abbottabad : drinking water

This report is part of a series of investigations to determine whether pro-poor environmental fiscal reform can be designed and implemented in key sectors in the district of Abbottabad. This preliminary study aims to assess the current status of drinking water services in the district.



Publication Year: 
Subscribe to Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), PK