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United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)

Non IUCN Publication

The role of hydrometeorological services in disaster risk management

Sponsored and co-organized by the World Bank Europe and Central Asia Disaster Risk Management team, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the purpose of this workshop was to share best practices and experience i


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Making cities resilient report 2012

This report is a product of cities' and local governments' efforts to protect their cities and make them safer and productive places to live and work.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Drought contingency plans and planning in the Greater Horn of Africa : a desktop review of the effectiveness of drought contingency plans and planning in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia

This paper is a UNISDR contribution towards effective Drought Contingency Planning (DCP) for stakeholders and partners implementing drought risk reduction programmes in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA).


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific : an institutional and policy analysis

The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of the current level of integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the region, with an emphasis on the policy and institutional environment.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

How to make cities more resilient : a handbook for local government leaders : a contribution to the Global Campaign 2010-2015

This Handbook for Local Government Leaders provides mayors, governors, councillors and others with a generic framework for risk reduction and points to good practices and tools that are already being applied in different cities for that purpose.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Disaster relief 2.0 : the future of information sharing in humanitarian experiences

The report analyzes how the humanitarian community and the emerging volunteer and technical communities worked together in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, and recommends ways to improve coordination between them in future emergencies.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Protecting development gains : reducing disaster vulnerability and building resilience in Asia and the Pacific

The 2010 Asia-Pacific Disaster Report (APDR) is the first biennial report of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction for Asia and the Pacific (UNISDR AP) office.


Publication Year: 
Non IUCN Publication

Living with risk : a global review of disaster reduction initiatives, 2004 version


Publication Year: 
IUCN Publication

Making disaster risk reduction gender-sensitive : policy and practical guidelines


Publication Year: 
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