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Tabe'a : nature and world heritage in the Arab States : towards future IUCN priorities

Complete Title: 
Tabe'a : nature and world heritage in the Arab States : towards future IUCN priorities
IUCN Publication



At a crucial time of rapid socio-economic change, Nature and World Heritage in the Arab States provides an assessment of World Heritage in the Arab States region. This includes the conservation outlook for the five existing natural and mixed World Heritage sites in the region, as well as an analysis of the regionsÂ’ potential natural heritage sites included in the Tentative Lists. The report has been produced by IUCN as a contribution to supporting the World Heritage Convention in the Arab States, recognizing the need to strengthen the identification, conservation and presentation of natural heritage in the region. It is intended to help identify future IUCN priorities for work on World Heritage. This report is a pilot project for a future, more extensive report, on the state of conservation of all natural and mixed World Heritage sites.

Gland, CH : IUCN, 2011
Physical Description: 
43p. : ill.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographical references. Also available in separate Arabic language version.

Call number:

Online Metrics:

Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2022/05/24