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Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in southern Africa

Complete Title: 
Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in southern Africa
IUCN Grey Literature



The strategic plan for the speciesÂ’ conservation in southern Africa recognises the need to (i) build capacity within the region in all fields related to the conservation of cheetah and wild dog, (ii) improve knowledge of the conservation biology of both species, (iii) ensure that information collected is made available to all stakeholders, (iv) minimise conflict and promote coexistence between cheetah, wild dogs and people; (v) minimise the adverse effects of land development and promote best land use practice for cheetah and wild dogs, (vi) ensure that political commitment is obtained; (vii) review, and where necessary revise, existing legislation and policy at international, national and local levels; and (viii) promote the development and implementation of national conservation plans for both species. This last point is important because almost all conservation effort is enacted within national policies, under the jurisdiction of national wildlife authorities. For this reason, the regional strategy was deliberately developed in a format that would facilitate translation into national conservation action plans.

Monographic Series no.: 
Gland : IUCN, 2007
Physical Description: 
91p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Bears message, "Draft report not yet endorsed by national governments, for information only. Please do not circulate." Library has electronic version only.


Geographic keywords:

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Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2022/05/24