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Kosten eines gesetzeskonformen Schutzes der Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung

Complete Title: 
Kosten eines gesetzeskonformen Schutzes der Biotope von nationaler Bedeutung
Non IUCN Publication

The starting point of the present study is the fact that the quality of biotopes in Switzerland that are nationally protected is deteriorating and some are also shrinking in size. There are nearly 6000 biotopes in Switzerland, covering about 2% of the country's surface area. They belong to five categories: raised bogs, fens, floodplains, dry meadows and pastures, and spawning areas for amphibians. The declining quality and quantity of biotopes may be due to insufficient funding to ensure their protection and maintenance. Nine different cost categories, ranging from contracts with land owners to maintenance and performance reviews, were used to calculate the costs of providing legal biotope conservation. The annual costs were estimated to amount to between148 and 183 million Swiss francs. A further 697 to 1427 million Swiss francs would be needed to restore heavily damaged biotopes. Estimates varied, depending on what measures were assumed to be needed. The estimated annual cost of conserving Swiss biotopes is twice the current expenditure.

Monographic Series:

Birmensdorf, CH : Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, 2009
Physical Description: 
122 p. : fig.
Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references. Summary available in German and French, with abstract available in English. Electronic format available: http://www.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/Man-Land-494-001.pdf

Geographic keywords:

Call number:

Record created: 2013/09/13
Record updated: 2020/04/10