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A socio-economic assessment of sustainable livelihood opportunities for communities of Kuruwitu and Vipingo, Kilifi District, Kenya

IUCN Grey Literature




This report outlines the findings of the Coastal Livelihood Assessment for the Kuruwitu – Vipingo community, which lies on a Kenyan coast potentially significant for its marine biodiversity, as it has a distinct coral reef ecosystem with diverse coral assemblages which host a wide variety of tropical fish species as well as beaches that provide breeding and nesting sites for endangered sea turtles and birds. In response to declining marine life, and related decreases in local earnings and food security, the local community formed the Kuruwitu Conservation and Welfare Association (KCWA). They approached the East African Wild Life Society (EAWLS) for assistance in conserving these resources and supporting the local livelihoods dependent on them. The East African Wild Life Society intends to implement a pilot community based marine conservation area project at Kuruwitu in Kilifi, Coast Province, for which a number of research activities are being carried out, including the Coastal Livelihood Assessment.

[S.I.] : IUCN, 2005
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Record created: 2014/07/14
Record updated: 2022/05/24