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WCC 2012 Res 092 - Activity Report

Information générale
Constituant de l’UICN: 
Type de Constituant de l’UICN: 
IUCN Secretariat
Période d’activité: 
Zone géographique: 
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Quels autres Membres de l’UICN sont impliqués –ou ont été impliqués- dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Je ne sais pas
Quelles sont les Commissions de l’UICN impliquées dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Je ne sais pas
Le Secrétariat de l’UICN, est-il impliqué dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Activit�s de terrainCommunity-based models increasingly considered in DRR GPAP and WCPA are expanding work in support of ICCAs - Indigenous and Community Conserved area ROWA has developed a strong approach and programme in support if Hima systems in West Asia Many projects of Regional programmes pay greater attention to community-based management
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesIUCN has advocated greater support from governments and MEAs to community-based management, for example at CBD, UNCCD, and other fora
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesSocial Policy, GPAP and the Marine programme are exploring options to increase support to Locally-Managed Marine Areas (LMMAs) and coastal-marine community-based resource management
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesThe Drylands Initiative and the World Initiative on Sustainable Pastoralism have taking many actions in support of pastoral communities
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesWPC had community-based management of protected areas as a key topic and produced many lessons and recommendations for follow-up
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesCEESP working on Natural Resource Governance Framework (NRGF) that includes community governance as a cornerstone CEESP and WCEL created a Specialist Group focusing on customary legal systems
Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Actions under this resolution are ongoing and results are seen progressively at the country level
A major result is the will of the conservation community contained in the Promise of Sydney from the World Parks Congress (WPC)
Quelles mesures ont été prises afin de surmonter ces obstacles ?: 
Some IUCN programmes are already looking for additional funding. Some Members' and IUCN programmes are already doing advocacy actions.
Veuillez indiquer et décrire brièvement les activités planifiées par la suite pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Activité FutureDescription
FormationThe Global Protected Areas programme is developing a strategy that includes communities.
FundraisingAdditional resources for expanding project portfolio on community-based management and for expand information sharing and dissemination of lessons