Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution:
IUCN Asia Regional Office continues to work closely with the SSC in taking forward the implementation of this Resolution jointly through Asia Species Action Partnership. There have been exploratory discussions on establishing a Secretariat for this initiative based at the IUCN Asia Regional Office in Bangkok.
In addition to this, IUCN Asia region continues to support its State Members across Asia in the conservation of threatened species such as gyps vulture species conservation in South Asia, addressing illegal logging of the Siamese Rosewood species in Southeast Asia, conservation of cetacean species in South and Southeast Asia. In addition, IUCN's role as the Regional Implementation Team for the CEPF Indo-Burma Eco-region places it in an advantageous position to not only provide funds to CSOs and other non-governmental actors in conservation of critical ecosystems and their constituent species, but also has enabled IUCN to shape the strategic direction of the CEPF's objectives in the context of the Mekong region of Southeast Asia which is a priority for this Resolution.
Quelles mesures ont été prises afin de surmonter ces obstacles ?:
There are currently efforts underway to mobilise resources for supporting priority actions related to conservation of tropical Asia's species