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The ingenuity gap

Complete Title: 
The ingenuity gap
Non IUCN Publication

Through gripping narrative stories and incidents that exemplify his arguments, the author takes us on a world tour that begins with a heartstopping description of the tragic crash of United Airlines Flight 232 from Denver to Chicago and includes Las Vegas in ts desert, a wilderness beach in British Columbia, and his solitary search for a little girl in Patna, India. He shows how, in our complex world, while poor countries are particularly vulnerable to ingenuity gaps, our own rich countries are not immune, and we are caught dangerously between a soaring requirement for ingenuity and an increasingly uncertain supply. When the gap widens, political disintegration and violent upheaval can result, reaching into our own economies and daily lives in subtle ways. In compelling, lucid, prose, he makes real the problems we face and suggests how we might overcome them - in our own lives, our thing, our business and our societies.

New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2000
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Includes endnotes

Call number:

Record created: 2016/12/16
Record updated: 2020/04/10