Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution:
On the 5 October, Dao Nguyen, IUCN Secretariat Focal Point for this resolution, requested a call with all the Members’ Assigned Focal Points: Tim Snow (Game Rangers Association of Africa); Nicola Crockford (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds); Andre Botha (Endangered Wildlife Trust, South Africa); and Juan Carlos Atienza (SEO/BirdLife). The call was held on 22 November. Nicola Crockford noted the timeliness of the call due to important synergies between implementation of the IUCN poisoning resolution and the CMS poisoning resolution at the CMS COP12 COP meeting in Manila, 2017. It was further discussed how this might tie in with the BirdLife position on the draft resolution (which includes a call for the IUCN situation analysis on poisoning of non-avian taxa), one of the Vulture MsAP and the CMS Preventing Poisoning Working Group. What was very clear from the call was a strong push for the situation analysis called for in the Resolution. However, with the experience that the SSC Chairs Office has of these, we discussed how this would require a substantial amount of funding and time. I stressed the need for fundraising to support the analysis and also the need for someone
Quelles mesures ont été prises afin de surmonter ces obstacles ?:
This Resolution is made up of 3 motions and so it is rather overwhelming to tackle. It's a challenge to know where to start and we've only made small inroads into getting the ball rolling on just one specific call. There is still a great deal of work required to address other calls in this resolution and it will be challenging to find the capacity to deliver on these.