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WCC 2016 Res 089 - Activity Report

Information générale
Constituant de l’UICN: 
Oceania Regional Office
Type de Constituant de l’UICN: 
IUCN Secretariat
Période d’activité: 
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Le Secrétariat de l’UICN, est-il impliqué dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Veuillez indiquer quels autres acteurs (non-membres de l’UICN) sont impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Gender Climate Change Alliance
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
FormationWorking with Fiji National University students, a high efficiency model cookstove was designed and manufactured by fabricators, which were delivered to Nakalawaca Village where training on appropriate use and required replanting to maintain biomass reserves took place.Completed
Activit�s de terrainGender Climate Change Alliance conducted consultations with communities, identifying Nakalawaca Village in Tailevu as a suitable partner to receive cook stoves and facilitate improved forestry activities. 30 cook stoves were delivered to the community in two different shipments, accounting for a 40-50% reduction in biomass fuel use in 30 out of 48 households.Completed
Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Thirty households in Nakalawaca village have received high efficiency cookstoves for utilizing biomass more effectively and safely, reducing exposure to particulate emissions, and saving both time and labour required for obtaining wood for cooking fuel and increasing the speed at which sufficient temperatures are achieved.
Veuillez indiquer et décrire brièvement les activités planifiées par la suite pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Activité FutureDescription
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesCalculating estimated emissions mitigated within the participating households will be included in the published small grants report.