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Sustainable remediation and rehabilitation of biodiversity and habitats of oil spill sites in the Niger Delta

Complete Title: 
Sustainable remediation and rehabilitation of biodiversity and habitats of oil spill sites in the Niger Delta : main report including recommendations for the future : a report by the independent IUCN Niger Delta Panel (IUCN-NDP) to the Shell Petroleum Development Company Ltd of Nigeria (SPDC) : July 2013
IUCN Publication



This report presents the main findings and recommendations of the IUCN-Niger Delta Panel, regarding the sustainable remediation and rehabilitation of oil spill impacted sites in the Niger Delta. It has been prepared for the Shell Petroleum Development Company Ltd of Nigeria (SPDC) and represents the Panel’s first year of work. It therefore focuses on the first two of the four objectives set out for the Panel, namely to ‘develop and provide standards and best practice guidance on remediation and rehabilitation’ and ‘encourage uptake of the guidance by SPDC and others’. The overriding priority here is to provide advice for SPDC and make a start, as soon as possible, on the process of increasing effectiveness of ecosystem restoration in oil spill sites.

Gland : IUCN, 2013
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Publication Year: 

Includes bibliographic references

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Record created: 2019/09/17
Record updated: 2022/05/24