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WCC 2016 Res 036 - Activity Report

Information générale
Constituant de l’UICN: 
Période d’activité: 
Zone géographique: 
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Quels autres Membres de l’UICN sont impliqués –ou ont été impliqués- dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Fundación Mar Adentro ( FMA ) / Chile
Bundesamt für Naturschutz ( BfN ) / Germany
Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental ( SPDA ) / Peru
Quelles sont les Commissions de l’UICN impliquées dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Le Secrétariat de l’UICN, est-il impliqué dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Veuillez indiquer quels autres acteurs (non-membres de l’UICN) sont impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
QLF Atlantic Center for the Environment
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
FormationOffered a full-day training on privately protected areas, based on the 2018 IUCN Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas, at the IIIrd Latin American and Caribbean Protected Areas Congress, Lima, Peru, October 2019.Completed
FormationWith support of Fundación Mar Adentro, translated the PPA Guidelines to Spanish, launched at the regional protected areas congress in Lima in October. See link to the publication below.Completed
Education/Communication/SensibilisationMaintaining a dedicated website, privateconservation.net, and dedicated online newsletter, The Stivardr. Speaking at national and regional conferences. Contributions to IUCN's Protecting the Planet newsletter. On-going
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesConvened a workshop to develop training materials and strategy, based on the PPA Guidelines, on Vilm Island in April, 2019, hosted by Bundesamt für Naturschutz.Completed
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesThe IUCN WCPA specialist group maintains an email discussion group on PPAs. A core group convenes monthly to discuss needs, issues and strategy. On-going
Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
We continue to build on the 2018 achievement of producing IUCN Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas by bringing the material out to wider audiences. This is taking the form of offering training events, developing online training materials (scheduled to go live in 2020), translating the Guidelines into multiple languages, and providing advice on PPAs to governments, NGOs, landholders and others on request. This has contributed to growth in the capacity for and extent of PPAs. The term "privately protected area"--formalized in the 2016 resolution--continues to grow in acceptance.
Quelles mesures ont été prises afin de surmonter ces obstacles ?: 
The only challenge has been to find the volunteer time to work on the guidelines extension and training and finding the finances to continue and expand the work to match the need.
Veuillez indiquer et décrire brièvement les activités planifiées par la suite pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Activité FutureDescription
FormationTranslations of the Guidelines for Privately Protected Areas into French and Portuguese are in final review stages and should be launched in 2020.
FormationWe will offer a two-day training based on the Guidelines at the Congress of the International Land Conservation Network in Catalonia in April, 2020. We have been accepted to organize a conservation campus on PPAs at the World Conservation Campus in Marseille in June. We expect to post video training modules and other materials on private conservation.net in mid-2020.
Activit�s techniques/scientifiques
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesThe IUCN WCPA specialist group will continue to provide advice on PPAs to governments, NGOs, landholders and others on request.
Informations complémentaires