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WCC 2016 Res 030 - Activity Report

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Constituant de l’UICN: 
Période d’activité: 
Zone géographique: 
Viet Nam
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Quels autres Membres de l’UICN sont impliqués –ou ont été impliqués- dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Asociación para la Conservación, Investigación de la Biodiversidad y el Desarrollo Sostenible ( SAVIA ) / Bolivia
Corporación Grupo Randi Randi ( CGRR ) / Ecuador
World Wide Fund for Nature - Indonesia ( WWF - Indonesia ) / Indonesia
The Samdhana Institute Incorporated ( Samdhana ) / Indonesia
Foundation for Ecological Security ( FES ) / India
Non-Timber Forest Products - Exchange Programme Asia ( NTFP-EP ) / Philippines
Quelles sont les Commissions de l’UICN impliquées dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Le Secrétariat de l’UICN, est-il impliqué dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Veuillez indiquer quels autres acteurs (non-membres de l’UICN) sont impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
ICCA Consortium
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
FormationCapacity-building, national. NTFP-EP provided technical support to ten ICCAs in Malaysia that overlap with protected areas or forest reserves, including capacity-building, networking and advocacy, contributed to efforts to develop a national level ICCA Working Group in Malaysia, and helped support the Myanmar working group on ICCAs, which now has 34 members. NTFP-EP also helped develop the capacity of the national ICCA working group in Myanmar. Foundation for Ecological Security trained members of International Land Coalition in India on community conservation and community forest rights, enabling field action by village communities in protecting and managing CCAs in forest lands. Samdhana Institute organized an Indigenous Youth Eco Camp for more than 120 indigenous youth, including elders and leaders, in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. This event aimed to foster inter-generational learning to help engage youth in revitalising indigenous knowledge systems, promoting territorial sustainability, and restoring forests Samdhana Institute also trained Tagbanwa women and youth in the Calamianes Islands trained in mangrove and beach forest conservation, and documentation of traditional food sources inside their indigenous territories. Completed
FormationCapacity-building, regional (Southeast Asia). Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme Asia (NTFP-EP) participated in a Regional Workshop on “Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures to Accelerate Progress on Aichi Target 11 Implementation in the East and Southeast Asia Region” in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. NTFP-EP, as a member of the ICCA Southeast Asia Regional Learning Network, also participated in a capacity-building event in the Philippines on sustainable livelihoods and ICCAs with participants Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Viet Nam. The Southeast Asia ICCA Regional Learning Network organized a webinar on documenting ICCAs led by the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia, including WWF-Indonesia and NTEP-EP. On-going
Rassembler des parties prenantes/R�seautageNational network participation and support. WWF is an active member of the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia (WGII) and financially supports it. NTFP-EP also participates in WGII in the national ICCA networks in the Philippines, Cambodia, and Myanmar and the developing network in Viet Nam. This included participation in the 3rd Philippine National ICCA Conference, attended by more than a hundred Indigenous people and members of government agencies and civil society; organization of a national level workshop on ICCAs – including ICCA documentation -- in Siem Reap, Cambodia, a multi-stakeholder workshop with government departments, community-based organisations, and private companies; and helping to organize a national workshop in Viet Nam to establish an ICCA working group. Samdhana Institute organized a meeting inside the Leuser National Park in Ketambe, Southeast Aceh, Indonesia with 31 indigenous women and youth from across Indonesia and the Director General of the Conservation and National Park unit (KSDAE) under the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF or KLHK). At this meeting the implementation of the concept of Kemitraan Konservasi, Conservation Partnership for Communities, inside protected areas as well as outside of them was discussed. CENESTA supported the first national forum of the Union of Indigenous Nomadic Tribes of Iran (UNINOMAD – an ICCA Consortium Member) in the Bakhtiari Tribal Confederacy’s Territory, Lali, Khuzestan, Iran. Approximately 500 participants attended the Forum including elders and representatives of nomadic tribes, parliamentarians, governmental authorities, and academics. Among the shared goals were the legal recognition of customary territories as ICCAs with their own governance systems, and strengthening their Indigenous peoples’ capacities to co-manage natural resources with governmental authorities. Completed
Rassembler des parties prenantes/R�seautageRegional Exchanges. NTFP-EP organized a visit by First Nations from Canada to Myanmar to foster learning and partnership with the Myanmar ICCA Working Group. Examples of ICCAs in Myanmar were highlighted and the event culminated in a workshop and meeting with the government of Myanmar. Completed
Rassembler des parties prenantes/R�seautageRegional network participation and support. NTFP-EP and the Centre for Sustainable Development CENESTA) served as hubs for regional associations of the ICCA Consortium in Southeast Asia and West and Central Asia. WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP continued active participation in the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia. Foundation for Ecological Security co-organised the ICCA South Asia Regional Meeting in Udaipur, India. Asociación para la Conservación, Investgación de la Biodiversidad y el Desarrollo Sostenible (SAVIA) helped organise the Latin American ICCA regional assembly in Lima, Peru. CENESTA helped organize the Regional Assembly of the ICCA for West and Central Asia and the Caucasus with participants from Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan and Kyrgyzstan. NTFP participated in a Regional Forum on “the Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Rights’ Based Sustainable Development” in Jogjakarta, Indonesia that had more than 150 participants from across the Southeast Asia region. Completed
Education/Communication/SensibilisationAwareness raising at international meetings. International Land Coalition (ILC) Assembly. NTFP-EP participated in the International Land Coalition(ILC) Assembly through the Southeast Asia ICCA Regional Learning Network. The Assembly adopted an agreement for stronger collaboration for capacity-building and mapping/registration of ICCAs in ILC member countries.Completed
Education/Communication/SensibilisationAwareness raising at international meetings. The 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Congress on Protected Areas (CAPLAC III). The Latin American regional association of the ICCA Consortium, including Res. 6.030 co-sponsor SAVIA, presented a declaration to the Congress that called for establishment of global and regional mechanisms to monitor implementation of Resolution 6.030 and other IUCN resolutions concerning ICCAs and protected areas. SAVIA helped plan and organize the Congress sessions on governance, which included a session devoted to ICCAs overlapped by protected area with participants (many supported by SAVIA with funds from IUCN Netherlands) presenting case studies from countries from throughout Latin America. SAVIA also helped organize a pre-Congress a Latin American regional general assembly of the ICCA Consortium, and SAVIA and Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) participated in Congress. CGRR’s several presentations included sharing their work with community-based conservation (including work with women and women’s associations) in community collective territories that are overlapped by El Angel Ecological Reserve (REEA), Ecuador. Completed
Education/Communication/SensibilisationAwareness raising at national meetings and workshops. WWF-Indonesia and the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia, including NTFP-EP, organized a workshop on shared governance of national parks and recognition of ICCAs, a workshop on ICCAs to provide input on ICCAs to the CBD report on Indonesia. NTFP-EP organized or participated in workshops concerning ICCAs in the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Cambodia. These included a strategic planning workshops for the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA), organising a National ICCA Youth Camp in the Philippines and development of regional ICCA strategies for the Malaysia states of Sabah, Sarawak and the Malaysian Peninsula, and a workshop to discuss research policies on social forestry. Completed
Education/Communication/SensibilisationAwareness raising at regional meetings. Southeast Asia ICCA Regional Learning Network. The Working Group on ICCAs on Indonesia (including IUCN members WWF-Indonesia and NTFE-EP) shared their work on “Documenting ICCA in Indonesia for the recognition of community's territories of life” in a regional webinar organized by the Southeast Asia ICCA Regional Learning Network. Completed
Education/Communication/SensibilisationPublications. IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Areas Guidelines Series volume on recognizing and respecting ICCAs overlapped by protected areas. SAVIA, CENESTA, WWF-Indonesia, and NTFP-EP are participating in the development of this publication, in association with the WCPA Specialist Group in the Governance of Protected and Conserved Areas (which SAVIA’s director co-chairs) and CEESP. These Best Practice Guidelines are a key implementation action for WCC Resolution 6.030, providing guidance called for in the resolution’s first operative paragraph. During 2019 volume co-editors consulted with colleagues within IUCN and the ICCA Consortium, including Indigenous people and local community members, about good practices and exemplary case studies. This included consultation during the IIIrd Latin American and Caribbean Congress on Protected Areas, where a session was devoted to ICCA/protected area overlap cases. Work on drafting the volume is well underway.On-going
Education/Communication/SensibilisationPublications. WWF-Indonesia published an ICCAs Album, launched on Indigenous Peoples Day. This publication includes a map showing ICCAs registered via the national voluntary online registration platform for ICCAs set up and hosted by Working Group ICCAs Indonesia (WGII) of which WWF-Indonesia is a member. Samdhana Institute published an article on the IUCN website, “Indonesia’s last frontier: indigenous peoples’ rights key to forest preservation” that discusses its ICCA mapping and rights-based conservation in West Papua (https://www.iucn.org/news/forests/201802/indonesia%E2%80%99s-last-frontier-indigenous-peoples%E2%80%99-rights-key-forest-preservation). Another article from Samdhana is in press, “Building Recognition for the Resource Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities."Completed
Activit�s de terrainAssist ICCA custodians in developing ICCA plans and related plans. FES assisted communities in India with developing ICCA plans. FES helped communities to develop management plans for 112 community conserved areas in forest commons in Odisha state for lands that communities claimed and gained approval for under the Community Forest Rights provision of the Forest Rights Act, 2006. FES also supported village councils for preparing conservation plans for 56 Community Conserved Areas (CCAs) in Nagaland, which together encompass 80,000 acres. Completed
Activit�s de terrainICCA Registration. ICCA registration continued in the Indonesia registry maintained by the WGII and in the global ICCA Registry. NTFP-EP supported the Agtulawon Mintapod Higaonon Cumadon (AGMIHICU) in their declaration of 10,863.12 hectares of forested landscape within their Ancestral Domain (AD) as an ICCA (Patagonan daw Bahaw-bahaw) in Bukidnon, Philippines and its inclusion in the global ICCA Registry (http://www.iccaregistry.org/es/explore/Philippines/patagonan-daw-bahaw-bahaw). WGII, including WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP, continued to assist Indigenous peoples with mapping their ICCAs and registering them on a voluntary national online registration platform for ICCAs maintained by WGII. The process requires community consensus and at least six community members must sign a registration consent form. Completed
Activit�s de terrainICCA documentation and mapping 1. This was a major focus for several members in 2019. WWF-Indonesia, Foundation for Ecological Security, CENESTA, NTFP-EP, and Samdhana Partners mapped and documented ICCAs in Indonesia, India, Iran, the Philippines. WWF Indonesia and the Ancestral Domain Registration Agency (BRWA), both members of the WGII, supported the Indigenous peoples of the Bahau Hulu Customary Land in their submission to the Ministry of Forestry of a request for recognition of their customary forest. This involves an area of more than 200,000ha that includes areas traditionally conserved by those Indigenous peoples both within and outside of and adjacent to Kayan Mentarang National Park. This is one of the first efforts to register customary rights-based forest ICCAs within a protected area. In addition, these Indigenous peoples used maps of their land use zoning system, including forest ICCAs, to gain formal recognition of their customary territory by the local district government. WWF-Indonesia also assisted with mapping and documentation of the 250,000 ha Indigenous territory of Pujungan within Kayan Mentarang National Park. This was recently verified by the local district government of Malinau (BPUMA) ahead of its formal recognition. Foundation for Ecological Security identified and validated 78 CCAs in three states of India (Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, and Nagaland) and prepared case studies for wider circulation, collected data and prepared geo referenced maps on 102 private sanctuaries (privately held land, including community reserves, with conserved forests, wildlife, and water sources) in five states, and mapped OECMs, including ICCAs, in four states. CENESTA continues mapping nomadic tribes ICCAs, including ICCAs overlapped by protected areas. Completed
Activit�s de terrainICCA documentation and mapping 2. NTFP-EP helped document and map a 4,956 ha ICCA in Brooke’s Point, Palawan, Philippines and also carried out mapping and documentation training for members of the Viet Nam ICCA working group, local authorities, and non-state actors. Samdhana Partners continues to partner in the documentation and mapping of ICCAs and supporting Indigenous peoples’ territorial conservation planning, as well as working towards recognition of wider indigenous territories across Southeast Asia. A total of 2 million hectares have been mapped across the two Papua provinces in Indonesia by Samdhana Partners as part of efforts to secure tenure recognition for these territories, with the maps integrated into the map repositories of BRWA (a civil society organization whose maps are recognised by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry) and JKPP (Participatory Mapping Network). Completed
Activit�s de terrainICCA governance strengthening. NTFP-EP continued support for strengthening the governance structure of two priority ICCAs in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri provinces, Cambodia. Completed
Activit�s de terrainProtected area governance/management and overlapped ICCAs. Corporación Grupo Randi Randi (CGRR) continued to work with the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment (MAE), individual and collective land owners (associations and comunas) whose lands are overlapped by El Angel Ecological Reserve (REEA), Ecuador, and members of the protected area management committee in support of community-based conservation. On-going
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesAdvocacy for international policy. SAVIA and NTFP-EP advanced international policy development. SAVIA helped organize the 3rd Latin America and Caribbean Congress on Protected Areas (CAPLAC III) and the associated Latin America general assembly of the ICCA Consortium that led to the ICCA Consortium declaration to the Congress calling for more effective implementation and monitoring of WCC Resolution 6.030 and associated IUCN policies at the global and regional levels. NTFP-EP participated in the “Regional Workshop on Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures to Accelerate Progress on Aichi Target 11 Implementation in the East and Southeast Asia Region” in Los Banos, Philippines. Completed
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesAdvocacy for national law development and implementation. Members continued advocacy in the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Iran. WWF and WGII continuing advocacy efforts for recognition of community conservation in the legal framework in Indonesia, including both for ICCAs overlapped by protected areas and ICCA recognition outside PAs (including as OECMs). WGII, including WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP, also participated in a consultation on rules and regulations for a new law on recognition of local knowledge. NTFP-EP continues to advocate for adoption of the ICCA bill in the Philippines that includes provision on ICCAs overlapped by protected areas. NTFP-EP and the members of the Myanmar ICCA network participated in the review and development of rules and regulations of ICCA-relevant laws including the Forestry Law and Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation Law. Samdhana Institute participated in the development of a draft national law on recognition of indigenous peoples and their territories which will be resubmitted in the coming months to the national Parliament. Completed
Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
This report was prepared by Stan Stevens, IUCN Members' focal point for WCC Resolution 6.030. In 2019 Members raised awareness about the Resolution and carried out diverse actions fostering recognition and respect for ICCAs, including overlapped ones. Work continues to develop an IUCN WCPA Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series volume. The stream on governance at the 3rd Latin American and Caribbean Congress on Protected Areas devoted one session to case studies of recognition of ICCAs overlapped by protected areas. The ICCA Consortium Latin America issued a declaration to the Congress that included a call for better implementation of Res. 6.030 and for global and regional monitoring of the implementation of this and other IUCN policies on ICCAs. ICCA national and regional networks were strengthened, particularly in Southeast Asia, South Asia, West and Central Asia, and Latin America. Field activities included ICCA mapping and documentation in India, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Iran; development of ICCA plans in India; ICCA registration in Indonesia; and advocacy for supportive national laws in the Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, and Myanmar.
Quelles mesures ont été prises afin de surmonter ces obstacles ?: 
Challenges: lack of awareness of Res. 6.030; inappropriate national protected area laws, policies, and practices; lack of ICCA mapping and documentation capacity. Responses: awareness raising, capacity building, building national and regional ICCA networks, advocacy for appropriate national laws and policies, developing guidance, and documenting and mapping overlapped ICCAs.
Veuillez indiquer et décrire brièvement les activités planifiées par la suite pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Activité FutureDescription
FormationRegional capacity building (continued). NTFP-EP will also organise a Youth and Forest Congress regional event in which ICCAs will be a major theme and a regional Webinar series on ICCAs.
FormationRegional capacity building. NTFP-EP will support and/or participate in capacity building activities at the Southeast Asia regional level, including development of an ICCA spatial database for the Southeast Asian Learning Network that will provide a venue and a system for communities and ICCA and rights defenders to share information and access spatial information.
Rassembler des parties prenantes/R�seautageRegional and national network participation and strengthening 1. WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP will continue to participate in the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia. NTFP-EP also will participate in the national ICCA network in the Philippines and will organize a national ICCA Workshop in Cambodia. CENESTA will continue to support network strengthening in Iran and across West and Central Asia.
Rassembler des parties prenantes/R�seautageRegional and national network participation and strengthening 2. Samdhana Institute plans to support a review of the status of recognition of indigenous peoples’ and their territories across Southeast Asia.
Activit�s de terrainDocumentation and mapping of ICCAs 1. WWF Indonesia will continue to support ICCA mapping and registration in Indonesia through the WGII. CENESTA will continue ICCA documentation and mapping in Iran. Foundation for Ecological Security will be developing maps of ICCAs as OECMs throughout India.
Activit�s de terrainDocumentation and mapping of ICCAs 2. Samdhana Institute will continue to support mapping and other works towards recognition of Indigenous territories across Southeast Asia, including support for the Kamitraan Konservasi (Conservation Partnership) and Hutan Adat (Indigenous Forests) in Indonesia.
Activit�s de terrainPreparing ICCA plans and related plans. Foundation for Ecological Security plans to help communities prepare management plans for 1,500 community conserved areas (CCAs) in forest commons in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh states, India.
Activit�s de terrainRegistering ICCAs. WWF Indonesia will continue to support ICCA mapping and registration in Indonesia through the online system maintained by WGII.
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesNational law and policy development or advocacy. NTFP-EP will continue to support adoption of an ICCA bill in the Philippines that includes specific provisions on recognition and support for overlapped ICCAs. WGII, including WWF-Indonesia and NTFP-EP, will continue to advocate for legal recognition of ICCAs, including overlapped ones, in Indonesia. CENESTA will continue to advocate for laws recognising ICCAs in Iran.