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Contributing to scaling up forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia

Complete Title: 
Contributing to scaling up forest landscape restoration in Ethiopia : restoration diagnostic applied in Sodo Guragie (SNNPR) and Meket (Amhara region) woredas
IUCN Grey Literature



This report intends to identify the opportunities and barriers of introducing and scaling up of FLR into selected pilot landscapes of Ethiopia: the districts (orĀ woredas used as a synonym throughout this document) of Sodo and Meket, located in SNNP and Amhara regions respectively. This work is expected to accelerate decision-making processes for landscape restoration implementation, including the identification of enabling conditions at all levels of government necessary for long-term restoration success. It also aims at building support for expanding the lessons and experiences of Sodo and Meket to other districts and landscapes at the regional level. To achieve these objectives, the report presents the results of the application of the Restoration Diagnostic Tool (WRI).

Gland : IUCN; Nairobi : IUCN ESARO, 2020
Physical Description: 
xii, 66p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Includes footnotes

Geographic keywords:

Call number:

Record created: 2020/09/03
Record updated: 2022/11/24