Indicate which actions have been carried out to implement this Resolution :
Scientific/technical activities
Describe the results/achievements of the actions taken:
The IUCN members that have proposed this Resolution, in coordination with the IUCN Focal Point for geoheritage topics, Tim Badman, have established a working group to develop a first version of Key Geoheritage Areas Guidelines. The IUCN WCC 2020 Resolution 074 requests the Director General and WCPA to: “ the development of a detailed study envisaging the establishment of a future IUCN initiative on Key Geoheritage Areas, as a complement to the existing Key Biodiversity Areas programme, in order to protect geoheritage sites of global conservation significance and move towards more integrated nature conservation”.
One IUCN member reported a geological reserve being established, and another on progress with a botanical expedition.
What challenges/obstacles have been encountered in the implementation of this Resolution and how were they overcome :
The main challenges will come ahead! Once the guidelines are defined, it will be necessary to engage IUCN in this initiative and invite other relevant organisations to establish a partnership that will assure the KGA's governance.
Briefly describe what future actions are needed for the implementation of this Resolution:
The headline focus on KGA is advancing but needs to secure additional time and resources for implementation. There is excellent engagement with supportive IUCN members.
Are these actions planned for yet: