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WCC 2020 Res 096 - Activity Report

Information générale
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Quelles sont les Commissions de l’UICN impliquées dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
IUCN Species Survival Commission 2021-2025 (SSC)
Le Secrétariat de l’UICN, est-il impliqué dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesIUCN Secretariat/DG has engaged with IUCN members and others on the discussions on the invasive alien species target for the Post 2020 GBF, including through its Position Statements for SBSTTA/OEWG that the target should include the need to control or eradicate invasive alien species ... fociusing on priority species and priority sites. IUCN also called for supporting documentation for the target that stresses the need that the identification of ‘priority sites’ acknowledges the vulnerability and susceptibility of islands. IUCN DG have also set out how they can support countries in addressing IAS in line with international commitments through the Global Species Action Plan. On-going
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesIUCN DG have supported the SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group, in particular through the formation of the EICAT Unit (joint IUCN and ISSG body), to publish IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) assessments on the IUCN Global Invasive Species Database. IUCN DG alongside SSC, and Red List Partners have also continued to assess species extinction risk and threats posed by invasive alien species on its IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. On-going
Veuillez indiquer quels ont été les résultats obtenus dans le cadre des activités entreprises pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
The IAS Target of the Global Biodiversity Framework is still under discussion, however the current wording going into CBD COP 15 is very much in line with IUCN position. THe Global Species Action Plan also has a strong section on the actions that need to be taken by countries to tackle IAS and also what support can be provided by IUCN. The IUCN SSC ISSG Global Invasive Species Database has now integrated the IUCN EICAT assessment framework and is displaying the first batch of global EICAT assessments.
Quelles mesures ont été prises afin de surmonter ces obstacles ?: 
Resource mobilisiation to support policy engagement and support for the ISSG for EICAT assessments. We have partly overcome these through alignment of current project activities.
Veuillez indiquer et décrire brièvement les activités planifiées par la suite pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: 
Activité FutureDescription
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesIUCN Secretariat/DG to continue engagement with GBF P2020 dicsussions and support parties in implementing actions to meet the invasive species target.
Activit�s techniques/scientifiquesIUCN Secretariat/DG to continue to support ISSG in the application of EICAT
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