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WCC 2020 Res 115 - Activity Report

Information générale
Constituant de l’UICN: 
National Whistleblower Center
Type de Constituant de l’UICN: 
IUCN Member
Période d’activité: 
Zone géographique: 
In implementing this Resolution your organization has worked/consulted with...
Le Secrétariat de l’UICN, est-il impliqué dans la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution ?: 
Indicate and briefly describe any actions that have been carried out to implement this Resolution: 
Activit�s visant � influencer et/ou promouvoir les politiquesThis is an addendum and was intended to be included in the recent activity report. NWC submitted comments on the draft 109ty Council agenda also endorsed by Earth league International requesting per the IUCN Program, Marseilles Resolutions and some Commission Mandates that Council address IUCN and combating natural resource crime and corruption and promoting and supporting whistleblowers including through resolution 115. It noted the growing convergence among the the conservation/environment, human rights and crime and corruption communities that IUCN is not a part of. It further suggested that as part of its international positioning agenda item that it consider the 10th UNCAC COSP the USG will host in December which will include natural resource crime, human rights and whistleblowers. There has not been a response as of this submission. On-going
Veuillez indiquer et décrire brièvement les activités planifiées par la suite pour la mise en œuvre de cette Résolution: