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Development of a regional capacity in natural capital accounting of protected areas in West Africa

Complete Title: 
Development of a regional capacity in natural capital accounting of protected areas in West Africa
IUCN Grey Literature



West Africa is characterized by rapid population growth, endemic poverty and poor governance and management of natural resources. This situation is exacerbated by the negative effects of climate change and is unequivocally leading to the depletion of West African natural capital, including the ecosystems on which the population largely depends. Conservation and management of natural resources, which is a necessity to sustain our planet, requires well-informed decision-making towards sustainable growth and long-term development. Natural Capital Accounting (NCA), also known as ecosystem accounting, can be an answer to the request for evidence-based information for policy-making.

Gland : IUCN ; Mol : VITO, 2024
Physical Description: 
v, 22p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Including bibliographic references.

Geographic keywords:

Call number:

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Record created: 2024/06/11
Record updated: 2024/07/10