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Complete Title: 
让企业参与自然保护:公司在非经营性陆地和海域开展生 物多样性行动的案例研究
IUCN Grey Literature



With 26 case studies from 10 multinational companies, this publication highlights their positive actions, interventions and initiatives contributing to specific conservation and restoration goals. The concrete examples illustrate a pivotal part of their work which have direct impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem on their sites and operations, focused on a variety of additional and proactive biodiversity conservation and restoration actions more commonly within the landscape and seascape. The different case studies seek to present current voluntary practices and initiatives that are above and beyond addressing the negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services onsite. While not exhaustive, these case studies seek to be illustrative of current voluntary practices and demonstrative of some of the kinds of initiatives that are currently being carried out.

Gland, Switzerland : IUCN, 2024
Physical Description: 
xii, 62p. : ill., maps
Publication Year: 

Including bibliographic references.

Translation provided by IUCN China.

Broad subject:

Call number:

Online Metrics:

Record created: 2024/07/03
Record updated: 2024/07/09